Chapter 80 - The Training

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The Next Day...


Bloom's View:
It was finally Saturday. I got up early to get ready for the day before going down to the kitchen. I left a note saying I was going to the library before making a quick breakfast and teleporting to the private waterfall. The portal was patiently waiting for me. I stepped through, seeing a huge mansion in front if me.

* Sheesh..

I knocked on the door and another portal opened below me.

* A-

I landed on my feet, quickly dodging the huge blast coming my way.

* Hey!

"Training doesn't start when you want it to, you've got to be ready for any and every attack."

I created a shield as another wage of magic came my way. Two people???


I used magic to reverse the blast coming my way.


I ducked as bones came my way.


I squeaked as a fast blast came my way but it stopped after I finished my sentence.

"Right..I forgot. You can call me V, that's Shay."

* Hey, nice to meet you, daughter of the oh-so-wicked-and-grumpy Shattered.

* Hehe, nice to meet you too, I'm Bloom.

* Cool. I heard you wanted to boost your physical skills and magical abilities?

I nodded.

"Let's get started with the basics then, shall we?"

Dust's View:
* Have the results come yet..??

* Yeah...

* ...Well?

Epic opened the door, showing me the test.


I gave 'em a hug.

* When the time is right, it'll come.

* We've been trying for almost a year now...

* Don't worry..

* Are you sure there isn't something wrong with me??

* I doubt there is, why don't we go have breakfast with the others..okay?

Epic nodded and I held his hand and teleported us to the living room. We sat with Blue and Nightmare.

* Morning you two! How are you?

Blue smiled.

* Could be better...

Epic said, frowning before going to dish out food for us.

* Is he okay?

* Yeah, he'll be okay. Today marks the 11th month we've been trying for..y'know.

* Aww, don't worry. Even though Nighty and I were very....fertile, Ink and Error struggled quite a but for their second. But don't worry, if it gets to about a year, ask Sci for a check up for both of you. :)

* What he said.

* Heh, thanks..

Epic returned; I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

* Thank you babe. 😊

* You're welcome..

Solis's View:
I was at the waterfall, waiting for Bloom. She wasn't at the library. I could tell she was still pretty upset about what happened but she refused to 'deepen' it.

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