Chapter 10 - The Reach

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Killer's View:
I left Outer to rest after some much needed, and much pleasured sex. 😉

I was about to go downstairs when I heard Noir crying from his room.

* Someone's awake.

I went to pick him and and take him down with me.

* Want some pineapple slices? Cos I really want pineapple slices, and it's the only thing I can be bothered to prepare.

Noir looked at me awkwardly.

* Blaaaaabla...

* It's dada, c'mon Noir we practiced this all last month!

* Baba. :3

* Sure.

I turned on the TV and set his highchair up in the living room before putting him in it. I went to cut a pineapple and put some small slices into a baby bowl and gave it to Noir. We ate together.

* Pineapple is so juicy, but not as juicy as your mother.

I laughed. Noir was too focused on his favourite show to even try to understand what I was saying. I relaxed on the sofa and rested my eyes a bit.

Nevermind, that's a lie.

I relaxed on the sofa and TRIED to rest my eyes when my phone starting buzzing.

It was Ccino.

I answered immediately.

* Hey, is everything okay?

* you know Alura!Tale?

* Uh...yeah kinda, I've done a mission there before why?

* Can you come and get us please...


* Me and Ink...please-

* INK?!

I stood up and quickly made a portal to their location. They were at a train station. Both of them quickly came through the portal and I closed it. Ccino was helping Ink to stay standing so I took over that duty.

* Error's on the fourth floor, go get him, I'll help Ink.

Ccino nodded and went. I helped Ink to the sofa.

* Killer this is a bad idea, this is a really bad idea. I need to get out of here and stay somewhere else, I don't want to put you guys in danger.

He didn't sound worried, but his words did.

* Calm down for now, have you taken your vials?

* I can't really take them anymore but that's besides the point. Nobody is safe if I'm here Killer.

Ink's View:
The door opened and Error and Ccino came through.

* Ink?! Are you okay??? I was so stopped calling us!

Error gave me a big hug and I hugged him felt warm, the kind of warmth I hadn't felt in so long. I explained what had happened as the others came into the living room.

* I have an idea.

We all looked at Luna and Slash.

* Well Luna can turn into a ghost as and when she pleases, she half phantom now after all.

* Slash and I can connect our magic so I'm powerful enough to take Ink into the realm in which ghosts can wonder around but not be touched. They'll think he's dead even though he's not and I can bring him back any time.

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