Chapter 39 - The Eyes

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Solis's View:
No.. no No NO! Why did you let him go?!

He's done nothing wrong...

AND HOW WOULD YOU KNOW? Every time I take a step forward you take steps back. I swear if you-

I'm trying my best okay?!

I want to get a message clear across to those arseholes.

You've already made the message clear..y-you've hurt all of them-

I want to see them suffer again and again and again...they think we're irrelevant...but we'll prove them wrong..

I sat down and tried to focus.

Get Dream..HURT DREAM.

I..I can't!

Then I will.

* Please...Please STOP FIGHTING BACK!-

I grabbed my phone and wanted to badly for her contact to be there.

But she was gone.
She was never coming back, right?
All because the good Sanses couldn't save her...

* Just take a break...I've gone this~

Dream's View:
We entered the café and Thomas smiled and waved.

'Hey guys! How's life?' He asked, whipping up our favourite drinks.

* Good good, how's your arm?

* Oh it's fine now, just a scar. :)

* Good to hear! Are there any workers who have worked here longer than you?

'I old boss left a few years ago. I can give it her address but she might be busy, she's a mother now.'

* Hopefully this can help, thank you!

'No problem. How's Ink..? I miss him a lot..'

* He's good. Don't worry, he'll be back soon. :)

Thomas handed us a piece of paper with the address and we teleported to the front of the house. Blue and Night knocked on the door and patiently waited when Reaper called me.

* Hey? Is everything okay? Is Geno okay?

( * He's fine, are you in a safe area? )

* Uh yeah, I'm with Night and Blue. Why?

( * You're Solis's next target. )

* What? Do you know what he's...

( * Dream? Dream is everything okay?? )

* N-Night? What are you doing..?!

Nightmare and Blue had grabbed the woman and there was a tentacle around her neck.


* Sit down, let's have a talk, Dream..

* Put her down first.

* Take her to the castle's dungeons.

( * Dream?! )

* Hang up the phone, and we'll talk.

And so I did. I stepped inside and the door closed and locked.

I'm guessing her kids are at school.


* Let my brother go.

* I'd rather not. Eye for an eye, Dream. Ink forgot me as a friend, you rejected me from entering the team and Blue...

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