Chapter 71 - The Tempting

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Nightmare's View:
My team and Blue were in the bedroom, waiting for Outer and Solis to wake up. The mind continueum worked different to the real world. Three hours to us was only half an hour to them.

* We should get Amelia, Ellie and Delilah, they might be able to-

* Just give it time, they'll come around...

Solis's View:
I saw her, looking at the blossom trees all around her. Flail was standing right next to her.

We can be together again.
We can be in peace again.

I let go of Outer and left his bubble.

* Solis? Solis it's not real!

* Rose wouldn't lie...

* Solis, he's tricking you, he's messing with your mind! That is not Rose!-

He grabbed my hand again.

I tried to let go.


* She's not there..Solis she's not there!-

Rose turned and looked at me, tears rolling down her eyes. She reached out her hand to me.

* W-Why won't she say anything?!

She won't until you come to the other side...

* Solis, it's not real, you need to wake up.

I pushed Outer off and starting running towards them. I was about to grab her hand when we woke up.


I immediately opened my eyes and saw them all around me.

* Solis..?

* Crap- Outer?? Guys, he's not waking up!-

I was so close...

* Check his vitals as we try to wake Outer up.

Sci nodded, coming up to me.

* Are you feeling okay..? Take some deep breaths...

* O-Outer told me not to...not to go..

* Not to go where?

* To my sister...

Outer's View:
I used a huge amount of magic to wake Solis up by force and I saw Rose disappear. Flail's grin turned into a frown as he realised what I had done.

* Of course you'd ruin everything...

I blinked and everything had changed. We weren't in Solis's mind anymore.

We were in mine.

* You think you can understand how he feels? He would've been happier with us.

* You're lying, you're not with Rose. She's in a better place, somewhere without you.

* And your brother~?

I blinked again and we were back at home, my brother had just left the house after he'd promised me he'd be okay.

* I know what happens, I've forgiven myself for not acting sooner, reality is inevitable.

* Is it? We can rewrite the story. Follow him.

You could protect him this time..
Play out the odds..
Bring him home..

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