Chapter 79 - The Closeness

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Ink's View:
* Jammy, please finish your breakfast.

He shook his head, pointing at the scrambled eggs.

How could we forget??

* You want salt and pepper on 'em?

He nodded, going back to watching his favourite show on his ipad. I was sprinkling them on his scrambled eggs when Blue and Dream entered the kitchen.

* Morning you two!

* G'morning. :)

Dream didn't respond.

* Still no sign of her?

* No..

* Sheesh..well we know she's still in the timeline, right?

Blue nodded.

* Nightmare and the others are spending all of today looking for her. I'll help as much as I can.

* Thanks guys...

Solis's View:
I had a feeling I knew where Bloom would be. From what Hope had told me, she'd never lashed out so much before.

There had to be more than what she was letting out.

* Bloom..? Bloom are you here?

I used magic to lift the water falling and saw her alone inside the waterfall's cave. Going in, she stood up and looked at me.

* They're all looking for you..are you okay..?

* I hurt my twin brother...what kind of person am I?

* You're not a bad person, you didn't mean to-

* That's the thing, I did mean to Sol! I wanted to show them all that I could stand up to the opportunity..

* Bloom, they're not mad at you, they just want you to come home. You stayed here all night...

* I deserve it.

* No you don't.

I sat down next to her for a bit, waiting for a response.

* You can tell then I'm here, I want a bit more time alone and I promise I'll come home...

* Okay, I'll be waiting for ya. :)

Bloom's View:
Solis went away and I sighed.

"You made your point clear to them though, right?"

I jumped at the sound of someone's voice. A lady was sat next to me. How did she even get there?!-

* Um...what?

"I knew your father, Shattered. He was a friend of mine. He always said how he wanted the best for you, Bloom. He wants you to train, and if you want...I could train you..?"

* How can I trust you?

"I'm not asking for anything in return, I just want to see you ✨️shine✨️," She said, smiling.

* You can't tell my parents though..they don't want this..but I do.

"No problem. You should get home before they get more worried. I'll have a portal open here early tomorrow morning, okay?"

I nodded before teleporting home and unlocking the door.

* Bloom!

Luna rushed and gave me a big hug.

* Hey...I'm sorry for the scare..where are my parents..?

* Well. Dream had a bit of a emotional breakdown so Cross to 'em to Sci.

I teleported to Sci's house quickly and went up to the spare rooms and knocked on the door.

* Who is it..?

I slowly opened the door.

* Bloom!

Father came to hug me.

* I'm sorry..I'm so sorry about my behaviour for the last few days..

Mother was asleep, a cold towel on their forehead. I let go of father and went to mother, holding their hand.

* Is mother sick..?

* No, just caused quite the scare...

* You guys were right, I'm not suit to be a fighter. I'm a thinker..

Hope left the room; I followed him.

* Brother, wait!

* Do have any idea how much worry you caused?!

* Please- wait!-

He slammed the door before I could enter his room.

* I'm sorry...I'm really s-

* You're not sorry. The next time you don't get an opportunities to 'train', you'll do this all over again.

* I won't! I promise I won't..

* What's happened to you? You use to be the sister I could trust, talk to, relax with, now I can only feel an angry, revengeful aura from you...

I tried to open his door, but it was locked..

* I'm sorry...

* Go away, I don't want to talk to you right now.

* Hope-

I felt his aura change.

He was disappointed in me...

He wants you to feel bad.
Let him, its not like he'll support you with your decisions.
It's all about him.

* No amount of apologies will fix the stress I've have evrry right to be mad at me.

They'll never let you expand your magic.
Because they know with your intelligence, you'd overpower them in a matter of seconds.

* I shouldn't have caused such a fuss, I realise that now.

I've got you.
We've got you.

I walked away from the door and went to my room.

Ink's Past:
* So..we just make sure they don't cause trouble?

* Mhm!

* Did you ever f-find out what happened to my brother..?

Dream shook his head, handing Ink some hot chocolate. It had been a week since Ink left his timeline. He'd spent most of his time at the Good Base. He really wanted to remember what happened that day. It was two dreams. If he could figure put who the mystery man was in the first one, then he'd find his answers. It could've been one of his brother's friends.

But that w-would make no sense..
Why would they kill our brother?
This is confusing...
......what about that big guy..?

One bullet was all that it took to kill him. Just one. But the second dream was confusing too. Ink lost his sense of humanity, lost all hope.

But that makes no sense!
Why would we lose hope?
Exactly, we'd just got some amazing news..
But what about the tall dude..?

Tall dude?

The one who found us in the first that one time.
What was his name again?
We can't remember...he did something with our memories.
There was a picture of his family, I remember that!

* Ink, are you okay?

He zoned back into reality.

* Sorry...just thinking..

* You were staring at the wall for ten minutes. Are you sure..?

Ink nodded, grabbing the huge book of the primary Sanses of this multiverse.

If he could find the son of the tall guy, he could get some answers.

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