Chapter 43 - The Supply

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^ the picture is Solis and Flail. (No I did not draw it, I thought it looked rly cool on Pinterest hehe)
Reaper's View:
I stepped through Bete's portal and looked at Dream and Amelia. He was intensely sweating and following Amelia's tears rolled down her eyes.

* We need to know more about this idiot.

* His original timeline was Sole!Tale. He has two older siblings, sister and brother. The sister was killed during the Bad Sanses destruction in their timeline and the over brother, Flail, used magic to combine his soul with Solis. Solis wasn't looked in the timeline. He was the Sans, nicknamed 'Soulless' because his brother was pretty...criminal. Their father left when they were kids, which triggered Flail's behaviour to go bad.

"We need to find that man."

* On it.

Ccino left to go find their father as Gaster and Sci worked on stopping this test.

"Take yourself to a happy place..."

Every time she said that, Dream would nod, stop cringing in pain and discomfort.

* I should go talk to Night, he's probably feeling Dream's discomfort right now.

Amelia nodded without turning around.

Nightmare's View:
* Wow it's hot in here...

* Really? It feels fine for me.

Blue checked the temperature in the room and it seemed fine.

* Maybe Dream has a fever?

* Yeah, maybe..

I turned on the fan and faced it towards me.

* Nightmare, are you in there??

* Uh- yeah- come on Reaper!

He rushed in, looking worried.

* Is everything okay?

* Yeah..yeah..totally fine...just wanted to check in on everyone..

Blue looked at Reaper awkwardly.

* Are you sure everything's okay..?

* Yeah why wouldn't they be??

Reaper jumped back into his portal and closed it quickly behind him.

* That was weird.

* Mhm, very.

Dream's View:
* I..I c-can't take it!

I gasped as the feeling of a fan came about. It was weak but better than anything.

* W-When I get outta h-here...let's get...get ice cream...

"Anything you want. We'll go to the coldest place in the timeline and eat all the ice cream we want.."

Everything stung...but the worst part was that the baby was on distress...I could feel it. I opened my eyes as I heard Ccino's voice.

* I need to try a combination!

He tried one.




But the last one...

I gasped as the burning sensation eased.

* G-Get me out...please...C-Cross...I need..

Never have I ever been so relieved to see you pass out.

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