Chapter 31 - The Block

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Dream's View:
I arrived back home and unlocked the door, Cross and the children excited to see me.

* Mother we missed you!

* Aww I missed you guys more!

Cross helped me unpack. I was putting the toiletries back into the en suite when I heard my name.

* Hey Dream, what's this? Cross entered the bathroom and showed me my medication device. Oh dear.

* epipen-?

* You don't have any everything okay?

I smiled, kissing him on the cheek.

* Everything's fine, don't worry about it. :)

He gave it to me and I put it into my pocket; we continued to unpack. I was bending down to pick up some clothes from my suitcase when a sudden wave of nausea came upon me again. Not again! I grabbed the plastic bag next to me and threw up in it, Cross rubbing my back.

* Still feeling sick after the plane journey?

* I think I have a stomach bug or something...

* Wanna go to Sci and check it out?

I nodded, sitting onto the bed and drinking some water.

An hour later...

* ..What-?!

Sci pulled up the test.

* Congratulations you two!

I was speechless..

Cross gave me a huge hug and I smiled brightly, putting a bigger smile on Sci's face. This was my first child with's what we'd always wished for. We kissed before he carried me, swirling me around.

* Ahaha Cross! You're gonna make me dizzy-!

* Pfft, sorry, I'm just so happy!!

Sci gave me medication for the nausea and we went on our way.


Nightmare's View:
I was doing some paper work when Blue came in with Navy.

* Made you some lunch my love. <3

* Thanks.

* Did you hear the news?

I looked up, Blue was smiling.

* News? No.

* Well there's two surprises.

* Number one?

Blue smiled before placing Navy on the ground.

* Navy, what's papa's name?

He turned to looked at me and waddled over to me.

* Nootmware!


Oh shut up you.

* Isn't he the cutest thing??

* He takes after me of course.

I picked him up and put him on my lap.

* And the second surprise?

* Oh, Dream's pregnant. 😁

Oh mah gawd.

* Wait, wait really?!

* Mhm! Sci did a scan, there's a little baby in there!

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