Chapter 24 - The Reaction

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Luna's View:
Never show them your pain.


Then when they least expect it, you can lash back.

Got it!

I was teleported to a cell and I refused to show any sigh of pain. Although, it was so painful-!

'Boss must've really done a number seeming you were so scared of the prod.'

One was holding it firmly in his hand.

* If I get those apples, you let me go and you stay well away from my ENTIRE family, blood related or not. Do we have a deal?

I cringed as I pulled the fourth bullet out.

'Sure. Your pain tolerance is incredibly high.'

Pulling the last one out, I glared at them.

* So?

'Nothing. We'll be back, gotta take a phone call.'

They left me alone and I rolled my eyes.

Arse holes.

I used a tentacle to break the lock and started to look around the place. It was a headquarter of some sort. I found a storage room and found some bandages to help my wounds. I continued walking around, the other staff not daring to interact with me. I found a charging station and put my phone on charge before calling Mother.

* Mother is everyone o-

[ * LUNA! LUNA ARE YOU OKAY?! We were worried SICK!! ]

* I'm fine, I'm okay. They want to use me to find the last golden apples, but only Dream knows where they are. I'm guessing they'll get me to come after Dream next..

* We can help prevent that, but where are you?? And are you okay, Slash told us you were shot!

* I'm okay, just a little bit of pain. I'm looking around their headquarters to find any clues, I'll keep my phone on and with me the whole time. Tell father my coordinates.

* Okay darling, don't teleport until the wounds fully heal, okay?

* Thanks Mother, I'll come home safe and sound, I promise. ❤️

We said our goodbyes and hung up. I used a bit of magic to quick charge my phone before walking around a bit more before reaching - what I could only assume - their main meeting room. I opened the door and saw about twelve hooded men, coming up with a plan. Slash and I's pictures were on the screen.

'How did you-'

* Don't ask. Just tell me what the task is.

They started to explain the situation. It was as if they were team and I was their leader.

'How do you suppose we get through the Good Sanses?'

* Their group weakness is their communication, get them far enough from each other and they'll crumble with a few threats.

They didn't know Ink wasn't with us right now.

* Ink attacks unexpectedly so always look behind you.

'And the others?'

* They get tired through fighting for a long time. Magic and combat. The twins are trained like me, and so is Slash. Don't hurt the little ones, or it won't end well for you all. The Bad Sanses usually fight separately, so you can take them down one at a time.

'And what about getting info out of Dream?'

* Threats. And memories of his past.

Little did they know I was audio recording all of this for the family. I sent it immediately without anyone realising.

Blue's View:
We all received a long audio from Luna. She had told them our 'weaknesses', when in reality, they were all lies.

That's my girl.

We all came together and made a plan.

Slash's View:
As the family made up a plan, I thought back on the days when were kidnapped. What was I missing?

The Past:
It had been three days. It still hurt to move...being kicked in the stomach wasn't nice. It was early morning, the sun had barely started to peek out. I looked at Luna, she was in a fetal position. I couldn't tell in the darkness...was she shaking? I put my hand on her shoulder and as immediately woke up.

* O-Oh, sorry- are you okay..?

* I...I'm fine. You should really get some rest're badly bruised...

* I'm fine Luna...are you sure you're okay?

She smiled.

* I'm fine Slash, now get some sleep before morning comes.

It must've been before that..


It was our first night with the kidnapper. The mattress was relatively soft but all we had was a blanket to share. I woke up in the morning and realised Luna wasn't besides me. I looked around and realised she was laid lifeless on the floor.

She wasn't even moving.

* ...Luna?!

Her eyes fluttered open.

* Mmph...good morning...jeez this floor is uncomfortable...

* Yeah it must be...there was space on the mattress Luna, you didn't have to sleep here. 😅

* It's okay...

She shakily got up and sat on the mattress.

* You're super shaky, are you cold?

She nodded.

I gave her the blanket and sat next to her. I put my arm around her.


She flinched before smiling.

I didn't even realise at the time.

The Present:
* Slaaaaash?

Hope clicked his fingers in my face.

* Oh, sorry. I was thinking.

* Ah ok, Uncle Night asked you a question.

I looked at him and he didn't look so pleased.

* You'll be working with my team with the fight, okay?

I nodded.

Blue stood up.

* Any questions guys?

Everyone shook their heads. Everyone left the room except Dream and I.

* Dream..?

* Oh! Hi Slash, what's up? :)

* I feel bad about the way I argued with Luna...I didn't get the chance to apologise to her, do you think she'll forgive me?

* Of course she will Slash! Friendships will always have a few arguments but as long as you talk about it, everything will be okay.

Dream smiled, giving me a hug.

* She'll be home in no time.

We went to get ready.

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