Chapter 66 - The Quiet

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The Next Day...


Solis's View:
I looked at the door. It was opened for - what Nightmare considered - safety reasons. He'd moved me into one of the guest rooms on his floor and had used magic to bring my things there so I'd feel more comfortable.

But I felt like crying.

I didn't like the attention...they had much better things to do. Everything felt numb...cold even. Was it normal?

* Who's on kitchen duty today?

* Uh..........Killer and Outer I'm pretty sure.

* Phew, I'm gonna go take a shower.

I heard Blue and Nightmare talking.

Then I heard footsteps coming towards my door.

* Solis..? Are you awake?

Nightmare peeked into the room.

* Oh jeez much sleep did you have?

* ...enough.

He sat down on my bed and asked me if I was sure I got enough sleep and if I felt comfortable in this room. I nodded for each of them.

* Why don't you have breakfast with us again? Everyone loved your company at dinner yesterday. :)

* I'm not very...hungry.

* Your tummy is growling.

* Okay...I don't feel like eating.

* Solis.

* Dream stayed in his room most of yesterday, did he feel uncomfortable with me out of my room..?

* Oh, he's just sleeps more than usual because he's still regaining energy. Comas straight after birth are a lot more energy draining than we all thought.

* So...not because of me?

He shook his head.

* Okay...Okay I'll get ready and come down..

* Awesome. Remember to redress your arms, torso and legs, okay? I'll turn on the air-con so you don't get too sweaty.

I nodded, thanking Nightmare.

Dream's View:
He's so...ugly.

* No he's not, he's so handsome and precious!

Yeah, okay. Keep telling yourself that.

I picked up StarCross and cradled him as he woke up in a cranky mood.

Cross came out of the bathroom as I started to feed Star for the morning.

* Do you have any missions today?

* Mhm, just one with Killer. Collecting info on a timeline.

* What time would you be back home roughly?

* Before dinner, don't worry.

I smiled as he kissed me in the forehead.

* Should I bring your food upstairs?

* That would be great, thank you Crossy!

He left the room and went to eat with the others. Soon after, I finished feeding and got him ready for the day.

You've spent more time with the stupid baby than our own children.

* Okay Star is not stupid, and he's newborn, Lux and the twins understand.

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