Chapter 64 - The Hesitations

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One month later...


Outer's View:
I was having such a beautiful sleep when-

Stop it- stop it- STOP-
I..I didn't know!

...'s okay!
Sis will be home soon and we can show her the cupcakes-

Just die already.

I woke up to the sounds of Solis's confusing thoughts. I got up and went to his room. Sometime, I wondered why he preferred to stay isolated away from everyone else, more so after Flail was separated from his body. I gently knocked on his door.

* Solis..? Are you awake?

Well, I knew he was but..

No response.

Think you're improving? Don't lie to yourself. We're damaged...

I'm sorry, I want to get better.

But it hurts..

* Solis? I know you're awake, I'm not here to cause any trouble, could you unlock the door for me..?

I heard some shuffling before he hesitantly opened the door, a smile on his face.

* Sorry, I woke up a little bit everything okay?

* Yeah, can I come in?

He nodded, so I entered and sat down. I motioned for his to come sit too.

* How have you been?

* Um..I'm fine, how are you..?

* I'm great! Are you sure there's been nothing on your mind?

He shook his head, his mind going silent.

* You know, when I first came into the family, everyone but Killer and Dream hated me.

* Really? Why..?

* I was dangerous, I thought I was dangerous. And it would've destroyed me if I didn't think about those who I cared for.

He looked down.

* You can tell me if something is bothering you Solis, it'll stay between us.

We'll be okay, right..?

* I'm just more comfortable being away from everyone..I feel bad..

* I know you do, but everyone forgave you a very long time ago. :)

* That doesn't undo what he- what we did! You know Outer, you were Flail's next target??

* You don't have to worry about me.

* But- but I-

I went into his mind.

* Because he didn't know my magical abilities.

Solis's eyes widened.

* could hear my mind..?

I nodded, clicking my fingers so we'd be in a more comfortable place. A park and a picnic. It didn't matter that we were in pyjamas. I created a magic bubble and let it float around.

* Once you pop it, we'll both wake up and be back in our bedrooms and I will have forgotten everything we've talked about. So, this is your opportunity to let it out. :)

He looked at me for a bit before taking a deep breath. Solis didn't say a word, but instead, rolled up his sleeves...then his shirt...then his pyjama bottoms.

Old and new.

* I can't won't's like I can't control it...but I deserve-

There was only one person I knew who could help him beat with this, but now was not the time to purposely get out of this dream. I immediately gave him a hug and that's when he finally began to sob into my shoulder. It wasn't a cry of guilt anymore, but also a cry of pain and discomfort.

This poor boy...

He gripped onto my shirt firmly, like he was scared to let go.

That was okay, I didn't plan on letting go either.

* I..I thought I could trust him...h-he was supposed to be my's like a prison...I can't even escape it.

He continued to cry, his grip getting tighter.

* It would make everyone feel better if I wasn't here...right?

My magic was about to fade, so the bubble came towards us. I whispered something in his ear before he popped the bubble.

I woke up with Killer landing kisses on my face. I smiled and kissed him back.

* Good morning to you too babe. ☺️

We got ready together before going to Noir's room. He was cranky from waking up, as usual. I picked him up but of course he wanted Killer to hold him.

* Aha! That's my little guy!

He may have only been a toddler, but he was by far the sassiest one I'd met. Although, the others had told me that Luna was a whole mood in skeleton form. We got him ready before going downstairs, where breakfast had been set up. Everyone else was there as usual.

Except Solis..

* Does anyone know if Solis has woken up yet?

They shook their heads, digging into their food.


I dished out food for Killer and Noir before getting my own and we ate happily. Today felt different. Before I could wonder as to why, the living room door opened, Solis nervously entering the living room. I smiled.

* Morning Sol! Come sit with Luna, the twins and I.

Slash invited him over and so, he went to sit with them. He was awfully quiet but it was a huge step in my opinion as he usually spent the day locked away in his bedroom, occasionally dashing to the kitchen to get a snack or a drink.

He seemed to love the summer berry juice. I talked with the others around me before putting mine and my little family's plates into the dish area before going to do what I needed to for the day.

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