Chapter 56 - The Real

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Her View:
The four of them stood in front of me, still and attentive.

"Kneel, now." And they did.

I couldn't help but smile...afterall, trespassing wasn't tolerated here. I looked at the biggest one with the crack in his head.

"You. What's your name?"

* Horror.

"Your name is now the number one. Get back in line. You, girl with the blonde hair, step forward. What's your name?"


"I've heard lots about you, Princess Ellianna. Your magic exceeds most. I hope you don't remember me...Your name is now the number two. Back in next. You, step out. Name?"

Error!Sans's glitches seemed to disappear as I asked the question.


* Error.

"You are the number three, and Ink? You are number four. I don't care what you came to get from here,but that mission is nothing to you anymore. I actually have one goal and one goal only, and you four will be my loyal workers."

I took out a picture.

"Her name is Amelia."

Nobody moved or flinched

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Nobody moved or flinched.


Sci's View:
Amelia was pacing around the room, stressed.

* Amelia you've got to-

"I can't calm down, Sci! Ellie and the others should've been here three hours ago and none of them have called. They could be hurt!"

* According to their soul patterns, they're fine, they've probably just lost track of time.

"I dunno...I just have a gut feeling something has gone terribly wrong."

She sat down and checked her phone again for a message from Ellie. I rescanned their souls, no change.

* One thing stands out.

"What?? Are they okay?!" She got back on her feet and came to the screen.

* Their souls are fine, but they've been in the same place for quite some time. As if they've been in the same room.

"Maybe they're trapped??"

* That's a-

Ellie's soul read different very VERY briefly, but I picked up on it immediately before it changed back.


I typed something before waiting for my other screen to load.

[Don't come, 12th July.]

* What does that mean?

I looked over at Amelia and the colour in her face has gone.

It meant something dangerously important, then.

* Amelia, what does that date mean?

"...but...but that's not possible...! That can't be possible...I..."

I took her back to a seat to calm down a little bit.

* Tell me what it means, please.

She took a deep breath before snapping her fingers, we were in her past, but invisible to others. She stood back up.

"Remember how we're princesses from another planet?" She asked, catching her breath.

I nodded.

"We were taken from our parents, by an evil couple who wanted our magic."

* Yeah I remember. You, Ellie and Delilah were then separated at some point.

She nodded.

"The woman who initially took us, had a birthday of July the 12th. When Ellie and I ended the magic of our planet, it should've wiped her and her can she be back?! Were we not strong enough?"

I gave her a hug.

* Just like Shattered, she could've overrid a system, hacked her way out of a deleted file. I'll tell the others, don't worry.

She returned us back to the present time.

Outer's View:
We a received a text from Sci OK the main family group chat.

* Oh shit...- o

I nudged Killer.

* Language Killer, Noir is right here!

* We can't even go save them?

* Not could be a trap. However, I have an idea. Stay with Noir.

Killer gave me a kiss before I teleported to Dream's room.

Still not awake...

I held his hand and took his soul out. I'd never tried this, but technically has was awake just not...awakeatthesametime.

* Dream..?


I tried again.

* Dream can you hear me?


* Welp, it was worth a-

OUTER CAN YOU HEAR ME??? Shattered this isn't working, there's no way he-

* I can! I can hear you, are you alright?? I can only talk for a short while before your vitals start to drop. We need your help. Ellie, Horror, Ink, and Error are trapped or something, but Ellie's soul implied we shouldn't come. What do we do? you know who trapped them?

I checked my phone.

* Her name is...Violetta. She was Ellie's-

I know who she is...

* Would I be able to-

No. No it's way too dangerous, that woman's capable of anything.

I grabbed some IVs, ready for when Dream's voice started to cut out.

* Is there anything we can do?

Find the clear crystal.

That was Shattered's voice.

* ...What?

Those crystals Flail used, if he could find the main ones, then the clear, white and black ones have to be somewhere in this multiverse.

Shattered makes a point...

* So we just have to find the three crystals, okay. Anything else?

Don't use them toge-

Dream's vitals started to drop but before his monitor started to beep, I hanged positivity medicine and attached it to his IV before it could start beeping. I messaged the group chat.

Sci's View:
* Okay, three magical gems, no problem, heh.

Amelia took a sigh of frustration.

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