Chapter 44 - The Chain

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Nightmare's View:
* Found the timeline he's in.

We went there quickly and teleported to where his aura was.

* Solis drop it.

* I'm trying to save you all, please go away.

He cringed, it was clear he was trying to prevent Flail taking over.

* You don't have to do that.

I walked towards him and placed a magic suppressing bracelet on him and waited a few seconds for it to take effect.

* This isn't over...

* We'll search the place for the crystals.

The others left, leaving me, Solis, and Outer. He came up to us and pulled Solis in for a hug.

This is what happens when you unjustly kill off a timeline, Nightmare.

The Next Day...


Luna's View:
Slash and I were having breakfast with everyone else. We all promised Uncle C that we'd be normal after we found out what happened to Dream. I had to especially promise father that I wouldn't kill the new kid in the house.


Fine, FINE! I won't murder him when he's asleep either..


OKAY! I won't kill him as a phantom either. I just hope he knows very well what I am fully capable of.

You're my daughter, of course he does.

I turned my head as the living room door opened. Father came in, a boy around my age close behind him.

* Now guys, he's magic suppressed so he's not dangerous. But he is feeling very down today so make him welcome. You can go sit with Luna and Slash, Solis.

He nodded slightly before walking towards up.

Don't kill him.
Don't kill him.

* Hi! I'm Slash, nice to meet you. 😊

* H-Hi...

I glared at him before continuing to eat my pancakes.

* So, you're a bookworm?

* Yeah..I love reading..I want to improve my magic so I read about it a lot...

* So you can make more people suffer?

* Luna!

* What?! It's the truth...

Slash's View:
Solis stayed silent for the rest of the time we were eating. I finished eating and went to put my plate and cutlery in the dishwasher.

* Hey, wanna stay in the library with Luna and I?

* Solis smiled very slightly and nodded.

* Is it a...a big library?

* Gigantic, every book you can think of.

We met up with Luna there, her smile turning into a frown as soon as she saw Solis behind me.

* Hmph.

* Lighten up Luna, we're all dangerous in our own ways.

* Yeah well at least I didn't try you kill off the entire family!

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