Chapter 75 - The Motion

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Ink's View:
Error knocked on Delight's door as I took Palette and Jammy out of their car seats. He opened and smiled.

* Oh!- Heyyyy you two!

* Hi, can we come in..?

* Of course. :)

So we went in. The smell of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven made me smile. Harmony came running down, greeting us.

* Hi uncles! Did you bring JamJam and Palette???

* Of course, they're in the living room with Error. :)

She ran to them, giggling.

* I'm guessing you're not here for a friendly visit..?

* Ehhh half and half. Is there anyone in this timeline who hates us?

* I don't think so, why?

* This was one of the timelines that stood out whilst we were finding a gang who have been targeting everyone we know and care about.

Delight took out the cookies.

* I mean, we have a lot of refugees in this timeline. Harmony and I live pretty far from the city, so I don't really know people here..😅

* That would explain the long time-drive...

* Well, Harmony and I are going into the city to sell our baked goodies, wanna join us and maybe find that person?

I nodded, helping him back the baked goods. We packed them into boxes and we all walked to the bus stop.

* Do you do this every day?

* Twice a week with my darling Harmony.

Within fifteen minutes, the bus arrived and we hopped on. I observed everyone in the bus. It was very...boring.

Your memory is terrible.

It's because those boys poisoned m-

You still bring up that shit? Stop having a victim mentality and maybe you'll actually improve.'re right.

Get ready for the next memory practice test.


* Inky?

* Mhm?

* You zoned out again.

* Oh, my bad Ruru..are we there yet?

* Yep, c'mon.

I took Error's hand and we got off the bus with the others.We walked to the market and set up the products. Immediately, people came to buy things.

* I'm gonna go look around, is that alright?

Error nodded.

* Stay safe and teleport back if anything happens, yeah?

* Mhm!

I took my phone and was about to go when Jammy grabbed my hand.

* Jammy..? Are you okay?

He pointed away from Delight's Bakery.

* Oh, you wanna come with me?

He nodded.

* Sure, let's go. :)

We looked around for a bit, buying some lunch for the two of us. Nobody seemed out of place, which meant it was somebody who had lived in the timeline for a long time.

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