Chapter 98 - The Bump

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One Week Later...


Epic's View:
* Hey, Dusty?

* Yeah?

* Do you think we should tell Slash at least?

* I think he'll figure it out, to be honest. He spends so much time with us...

* I'm glad the bump isn't so...obvious yet. It's barely there. 😅

Dust hugged me from behind and kissed me. I was only a month and a half along and everything what going smoothly. Only Dust knew and the investigation to find out who looked into our hospital files was still ongoing, but nothing bad had popped us so far. We went downstairs and had breakfast with everyone else.

* Um, mother?

* Yes Hope?

* Can I invite a friend over please?

* Aww sure, is it someone we know?

* Her name's Grace.

Grace? Wasn't that the girl who attacked monsters in the new school?

* Grace Farlo?

Nightmare asked, sipping his coffee and adjusting his grandpa glasses.

* Yeah...? Why?

* She was in a situation with other monsters in the school. Didn't you hear?

* Uncle, I promise the allogations were false, she told me herself. 😅 She's really kind.

* Hope, I love that you've made a new friend..but with the reputation she's built, I don't think it would be a good idea..

* I think we should give her a chance. :)

We all looked at Outer.

* I know how she feels, being looked at in all the wrong ways.

Killer nodded, kissing Outer.

* Pleaaaaase, you'll really like her! You can even ask Slash, Solis and Luna.

Nightmare and Hope looked over to Luna.

* She doesn't really like me...but then again, I crossed a boundary. She's nice though, she made Hope happy during the school trip.

* It could've been her way of gaining his trust.

Cross spoke up.

* Father I promise it's not, just meet her today, okay?

* I don't see why not guys. 😊

Blue said, smiling.

* But-

* No buts Nighty.

* ......Yes boss.

Hope gave Blue a hug before finishing his food and going upstairs.


Hope's View:
I heard the front door and rushed to open the door.

* Hi Grace! Come in. :)

"Thank you for having me..I really appreciate it."

* Of course! I'll introduce you to my parents. Follow me. 😁

We went into the lift and went to my parents. I knocked on the chill room on their floor before opening the door. Mother and father were watching TV.

* Hey guys, Grace is here. :)

She walked into the room with a gentle smile.

"It's really nice to finally meet you both. Thank you for having me.."

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