Chapter 32 - The Strain

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The Next Day...


Blue's View:
I knocked on Dream's door before opening it. He hasn't come down to have breakfast with everyone; Dream never missed breakfast.

* Dream...are you okay..?

* Go away.

* Dream don't be upset, Cross will lighten need to eat, you've got a little baby in you.

I sat on the bed and rubbed his back.

* We're always in a bear hug position when we sleep...he didn't even say Goodnight or anything. He truly thinks I had an affair-!

Dream paused before frowning.

* We don't think you did...I'm sure he'll come to his senses soon. :)

* No, he won't. He's gonna be cold with me until the fertilisation week test results come back. It can only be done at the four month mark-!

* Don't worry, if you worry too much you might-

I got a notification on your phone and opened it. Dream sat up and rested his head on my shoulder.

[You're next, baby blue.]

A picture of me carrying Luna when she was newborn made our eyes widen.

* What the hell...

Outer's View:
I typed us the number and tried to track down where it was last pinged.

More nothing.

* This guy's good, damn.

* No ping..? How'd he even get my number? Do I respond? The others are on a mission right now but I texted Nightmare what happened.

Something stood to me though.

* The stalker has only targeted the Good Sanses.

* So it's someone that hates us? I can't think on anybody alive who would wanna go against us...

* Then that's our next step.

Geno's View:
I put Goth to bed before going downstairs. Reaper opened the door and welcome a new guest inside.

We had decided to get a therapist for my.......thoughts.

* Thank you so much for being here Solis.

* My pleasure. Where's Geno?

* Right this way. :)

Reaper opened the living room door and Solis introduced himself before sitting down. Reaper left us to talk.

He should've stayed.

* So, what's been going on?

* Well, after the loss of our first child, I started getting these...thoughts. Really bad ones. But after Goth was born the thoughts went away. And now...

Geno? Can you unlock the door, I need to get the wipes please!

* And now?

Hey, is everything...Geno-?

* They came back. It''s worse than before...

Geno?! Oh my God- GENO!

* What goes through your head before an episode occurs..?

What happened?! Geno you scared me so badly...I thought I'd lost you!


* I don't know..usually it would be something about my late daughter, but this just took over me.

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