Chapter 100 - The Promise

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One week later...


Hope's View:
I placed the flower I'd chosen down, looking at the gravestone.

[Our Blossoming Flower]

I slowly stood back up, my parents going to put their flowers down. Then, I went to Benji's and placed a flower down for him. Grace stood by her mother, who was in a wheelchair. She kept a strong face. I stood by her, holding my hand out to her. She smiled subtly before taking my hand.

I'm proud of them.

Me too, they've come so far.

I hope this friendship lasts...


* They're in peace..I can feel it..

"Me too."

"And one day, we'll be at peace to, my dear.."

"Ma, don't say that..!"

"Reality never fades, sweetheart."

* We can help you, Miss...we can try.

"It's alright, I accepted my fate long ago..-"

* I won't stop until I find a cure, some way to reverse the curse.

"If it'll make you too happy, then sure.."

One month later... (about 20 days)


Dust's View:
I sat on the bed waiting the Epic.

'Morning' sickness.

Being the best boyfriend was essential to keeping Epic calm and happy - two key ingredients for having a joyful and healthy baby.

* Are you okay Epic..?

* Mm...mmhm...

I heard 'em throw up again.

Epic was two months along and we were both still very excited. But the morning sickness, tiredness and mood swings was a whole other level. So much so that I think the others might've been starting to pick up on it...


I dunno.

I sat down and fluffed up Epic's pillows. The best few months were gonna be filled. Slash and Luna were one year away from university. Letting Slash go was gonna be hard...

On him as well as us.

He would end up over-worrying about us. Whether we were safe, happy, or healthy. But this university was an opportunity of a lifetime.

I just hoped that-

* Fatherrrr?

I jumped at the sound of Slash's voice.

* Sorry, what's up?

* Remember what we're doing today? 😁

* Uhh........

* The archery you promised to teach me..?

* Oh- ah- well you see...I'm doing the gardening tod-

* No you're not, I checked everyone chores. Dad, tell me the feels like you don't wanna spend time with me anymore. You've made an excuse every week for the last month!

* Of course I wanna spend time with you buddy, it's just...Epic has been a little ill lately and-

I slightly cringed at the sound of Epic throwing up again.

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