Chapter 72 - The Names

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Ink's Past:
There was a constant ringing sound in Ink's head as his eyes fluttered open very slightly.

'Oxygen down to 54, get another IV line in and we need a name for our John Doe!'

'On it, detectives are still at the scene.'

'Find this kid's medical history. Ready on three. One, two, three.'

He fell unconscious again. There were doctors all around him, checking for bleeds and hemorrhages all around him. He has been beaten and his brother had been fleed the scene. The the bedroom was Ink's...but didn't he kill his brother?

No dust.

Ink's eyes fluttered back open again.

'Hey there, can you tell us your name sweetheart? You're at the hospital.'

He wanted to talk but there was a horrible pain in his chest.

* M-My chest- h-hurts..-

'Oxygen is still decreasing, get a chest xray, stat.'

The doctors and nurses around nodded, administering medicine into Ink's IV and getting the small machine. They did the xray.

'Do you have a name, dear..?'

* I-Ink, i-it hurts-ngh!

'Tension pneumothorax. We gotta put in a chest tube.'

'The ecto works the same to the skin, right?'


Ink fell back under again.

Did he kill his brother? It sure felt that way...

But he remembered that gun shot like it had just happened.

He didn't have a gun.

The amount of magic he'd used depleted him of his energy. When the police interrogate him, what was he supposed to say?

He opened his eyes to see doctors and nurses all around him, making sure he was stable enough to answer some questions from the police.

The top half of the hospital bed raised so he was in a sitting position as two police officers entered the room.

Was he going to prison??

'Hi Ink, we have a few questions for you, do you think you'd be able to help us out?' The female officer said, getting out a notebook.

He nodded.

* Do you remember what happened with you and your brother..?

* I...I heard a gun..

'That would make sense, seeming that we found a bullet..did you see the person who did it.'

* I..I can't remember...if I saw someone..

'Human or monster?'

* Monster..

'Do you remember anything else? What he did to you after shooting your brother?'

Ink shook his head, every time he wanted to remember, his head hurt more and more.

'Did you do anything to your brother?'

Ink couldn't piece the puzzle together.

He had one memory of his brother.
About to stab him.
Kill him.
Then his brother was shot and killed...but there we no dust.

But he had another memory.
He'd lost all hope.
All sanity.
And killed his own brother.

Which was real, and which was a dream?

* N-No...I don't think so...

'You don't think so? Ink we need you to remember as much as possible. Did you shoot your brother..?'

Ink shook his head, he knew for a fact that he wasn't the one shooting.

* S-Someone was there...someone wh-who knew us...they came in through the house..n-not the window..

But Ink didn't know anyone who would have access to the house. His brother had many friends..

He cringed as the headache worsened.

'Can you tell us what happened before the attack..?'

Ink closed his eyes.

* He..he tried to k-kill me...

'Who tried to kill you, Ink?'

* My brother..he was upset...and mad..because I-

A portal opened and a bright golden light came through.


'Dream!Sans what are you-'

* Ink is innocent, I can assure you that. He's the protector of the universe after all. I can heal him, but I need to take him with me for his own safety. There's a timelime hopper and I think whoever it is, killed his brother.

The police wrote the information down.

'Thank's an honour to meet you...'

Ink felt his energy return and the pain fade away as Dream finished healing him. Dream offered his hand and Ink took it, teleporting them to the doodlesphere.

* Hi Ink, my name's's nice to meet you. :)

* Hi..

Dream gave Ink a new outfit and weird paints that automatically refilled.

* I read your files, you lack emotion since you don't have a soul. But that's no worry, each colour represents an emotion, capiche?

Ink nodded, drinking each of them.

W-Where are we..omg?!?!?!
Well isn't this a pleasant surprise~
This is awesome!

* Wow that's a lot-

* Haha, yeah. You know what the job of the protector is, right?

Ink nodded, using the mirror to look at his outfit, smiling.

* Awesome! You'll be working with me most of the time. 😊


The Next Day...


Nightmare's View:
'Sir, you must understand that violence is forbidden in this school.'

* So is bullying, yet it seems the humans are allowed to bully the monsters on this campus, especially my daughter.

'...We've had no reports of this Sir-'

Luna opened her laptop, showing all the emails she'd sent to SLT about the bullying.

* No response.

* You know I donate to this school a lot to improve the quality of education for students here, INCLUDING monster students. Where is that money going to.

I glared at the headteacher, waiting for his answer.

'W-Well we've bought books a-and improved the f-food and-'

* I'm under the assumption that the boys who beat up my daughter and scared Solis into a state of severe panic and shock aren't being punished?

'They claimed they fought back in self defense.'

* Y'know what? There's no point in arguing with you, I'll simply move them all to another school and stop the donations.


* Luna, let's go. We can move you, Slash, and Solis to the twin's school.

'S-Sir I think th-there's been a misunderstanding I-'

I closed the door behind us and we teleported home.

* I'm actually moving schools?

I nodded, entering my office.

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