Chapter 27 - The Case

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Ink's Past:
* Ink hurry up and eat your food, I gotta drop you off at school and I have things to do.

* ...can I walk to school by mys-

* No, you got last time because you were distracted.

He mumbled another insult under his breath. Ink looked at his food again and picked up a small piece of egg and ate it. That seemed to tip his brother off. He grabbed Ink's food and put it in a plastic bag.

* Eat it at school, I'm so fucking sick of this.

Ink was grabbed and forced to put his shoes on before they began walking together through Snowdin.

* ...are you gonna come and watch my presentation at the science fair..?

Ink tried to smile, but it was short lived when his brother hit him at the back of the head.

* Of course not, it's probably bullshit anyways.

They arrived at school and brother got a cigarette out.

* Don't give your teachers another reason to call me, am I clear?

* Mhm...

He left.

'Well well well...if it isn't the autistic freak.'

Ink walked past them, ignoring their snide little comments. But today was different, they followed him to his locker. He opened it only for the tallest to slam it shut...making Ink jump.

'Aww bud, don't get upset. You've heard much worse.'

Ink didn't respond, zipping up his backpack. They followed him to the science room, where his project was.

'Ooo, what a nice little project for todays fair. Can you believe he wants to win the competition? 😂'

* Can you guys leave me a-alone please? I have nothing you want.

'Oh but it's so entertaining to see you get annoyed...'

They bothered him for the rest of the day, Ink not knowing it would only get worse during the fair...

Error's View:
* Someone's trolling the family then, right..?

Geno asked, bottle feeding Goth.

I looked at the note they got then looked at ours.

You're in my game now.
A game of truth, honesty, and pain.
You all thought you could get away with it, right?
Your confessions are in my hands now.

Step 1: Hot chocolate.

* Maybe it's the children-?

* Doubt it, the wording is too specific.

Night took the notes and pinned them on the wall.

* All the kids are protected right now, right?

Blue nodded, reading the notes again, trying to find an answer. Outer squinted his eyes before getting a black pen and circling the first clue.

* Before Ink had Palette, he had hot chocolate. Maybe there's something at the cafe Ink used to go to...?

* Genius thinking Outer!

Outer and I teleported to the café Ink always went to and entered. Everything seemed normal. We went up to the ordering area.

'Hey you guys! Long time no see.' Thomas was cleaning some table tops.

* Hey T, we're doing well. Have you received any mysterious letters and notes recently?

He looked at us before taking us to his office at the back of the cafe.

'I thought it was a prank from Ink or something, but then again the pranks Ink has done on me were never this concerning...'

He gave us a picture of two skeletons holding hands and a cross on one of the hands.

'I know one of them is Ink, because the drink next to him is his go-to Frappuccino..'

* The other hand isn't me though, maybe it was photoshopped?

'I'm not sure...all I know is that this picture was taken here, a long time ago, before I started working here.'

* Thanks Thomas, call us if anything else pops up.

We teleported back home and pinned the picture onto the board. Blue looked at the picture.

* The hand that has red pen crossed on it is Ink's. We don't know who the other person is.

* Error request a talk with Ink and Gaster, Blue go talk to Dream, he might know something.

Blue's View:
I teleported to outside Dream's room and knocked on the door.

* Come in!

Opening the door, I saw Dream taking tablets.

* Hey...what are you taking?

You tried to kill yourself...

* Oh, it's just medication to help with stress. What's up?

I snapped out of a memory and looked at Dream.

* Ah, we need your help with something.

I unlocked my phone and showed him a picture of the holding hands.

* One of them is Ink, do you know who the other is? Any old relationships or friendships Ink was in?

Dream rubbed his head.

* You know my memory is terrible...but see that cloth in front of them? Wouldn't that mean there was a third person there?

* True...very true...

* That cloth I recognise, but I can't remember where from...

* Thank you for this, try your best to remember and tell me if you remember anything. :)

Dream nodded before I left the room. I told the information not the others.

Error's View:
I sighed before knocking the door. Bete opened the door and looked me up and down.

"G, he's here!"

She led me down to the lab, Ink in his capsule as usual. The children were at home this time.

* Ink, I need you to answer Error's questions honestly. I'll know if you're lying.

Ink looked at me with concern.

* ...did something happen..?

I showed him the picture and he didn't seem to react.

* Who is this?

I pointed at the unknown hand.

* I need my emotions.

He looked at Gaster and Gaster nodded before pressing a few buttons. The colour in Ink's eyes returned.

* I could be wrong, but I think that's Delight!Sans. We used to be friends a very long time ago.

* Just friends? Ink you're holding hands with him.

* He had a crush on me sure, but it was during the time where you and I had just started having feelings for each other.

* Alright, and why aren't you guys friends anymore?

* It's a long story...

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