Chapter 96 - The Breach

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Epic's View:
* I'm confused..all the family files were breached?

"Yes, every family member in your household. No info was taken electronically, but they could've easily written information down."

Dust held my hand.

We weren't even a month into this.

* Whoever did it, do they know about our situation?

"I'm afraid so. They reopened Slash's, Luna's, and Nightmare's files quite a few times though. We've alerted the police and there's an open investigation. Try not to worry too much."

* Try not to worry?? Doc, the person could be targetting my family. If they know I have something that makes me vulnerable, they'll use it against me without a doubt..!

* Epic don't stress yourself, it's not healthy. I'll call Slash and Luna and I'll talk to them about potential people against them..please don't worry yourself...

"Right this way Epic, for your blood test and checkup."


Slash's View:
I was relaxing with Luna in her room when I received from my father. I answered the put it on the TV with facetime.

* Hey dad!

[ * Hey you two, how's the cruise? ]

* Really good. What's up Unc?

[ * So, there's an investigation open with the family because someone hacked into the hospital's systems and saw private information on all of us. ]

* Oh there any way we can help?

[ * Maybe. The person looked over yours, Luna's, Hope's, Bloom's and Nightmare's files the most. Is there anyone at school who's good with computers and dislikes you guys? ]

* Not that I can think of...but we'll extra cautious and stay observant.

[ * Alright. Keep me updated okay? ]

We nodded and he hung up.

* That's so odd...out of everything to hack, they choose our medical files?

* Maybe it still gives them the information they needed, but is harder to identify who did it?

I nodded.

As of now, we had no enemies. The majority of the gang were turned to store and destroyed when that tineline shut down. The rest of their gang would've scattered. That would make the most logical sense. I texted Hope the situation and he replied saying he'd keep on the lookout too.

* Has Grace opened up to anyone yet?

* She looked at me if that's any progress...

I kissed Luna on the forehead.

* It's definitely progress. :)

Hope's View:
Did Grace hate me? Nowadays, she would have breakfast in her room and she'd spend most of her time in the cruise library, claiming to do 'homework'. If she was angry with me, I would've preferred she told me...

I knocked on her door, holding two milkshakes.

"Who is it?" She asked.

* It's me Grace, I bought us milkshakes. Can I come in? :)


I opened her do slowly and say her reading on her desk. It was a book on skeletal magic.

* Nice book you got there, are you interested in skeletal magic?

"It's for my history homework, we're looking at monster history."

* Would you like me to help?

"No thanks."

She was cold with all of us now...

* Wow.

My eyes looked up at Bloom, Solis was right behind her.

* You both really hate me that much? You said these crystals had addicting effects but seems you're the one who wants them.

I stood up, looking at Solis. He looked stressed. Nightmare would be here soon..

* I don't want them sis, you need to get away from them. Tell me where the other ones are, please.

* Father told me you guys would trust to get them off me.

That's what felt different.
Her eyes, they were a different colour.
No, he wouldn't say that to her.


He's dead..

* could you do that?! Shattered is not alive and HE'S NOT OUR FATHER.

* At least he has faith in me. Which makes me do you even remember what I purposely removed from your memories?

I felt like I hadn't learnt my lesson...

* I'm sorry..

Grace's View:
I turned to look at Hope. He was looking down, the milkshake shaking in his hand.

"..why are you saying sorry? You haven't done a-"

* It was my carelessness that led to your pain. I'm so sorry....I'm sorry..

Just make a friend, that's my only wish.. 🙂

I-I'll try...please don't go, I can't lose you...please..!

"It's not your f-"

* Nothing excuses my actions. Please forgive me...

I stood up and used magic to take the drink out of his hand before hugging him tightly.

"They'd want us to be happy...Benji and Bloom would want us to he happy."

Bloom's View:
"I think they'll be great friends." Benji said, sitting on one of the chairs.

I went to sit on the other, looking at Hope and Grace hugging.

* Do you think Hope will be mad at her if he finds out she breached the hospital files?

"He seems very forgiving."

* Heh, yeah...unlike me. That was my biggest flaw.

"Opposites attract."

They started drinking the milkshakes, Grace getting out a board game for them to play.

* Would you have done anything different?

"Spent more time with her. She liked to be alone wasn't what she needed."

* It worked out in her favour I guess, she met someone who understood what she was going through. :)

They started laughing as they played, Benji and I watching in awe. Knowing they were in good hands with each other brought us the joy we longed for...

So all was good..

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