Chapter 15 - The Case

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Blue's View:
I took Nightmare's hand and we quickly teleported to the Main Street.

* She said the corner shop!

We ran around the corner and saw that the store was closed.

* That's makes no sense...

We teleported inside and I used magic to switch on the lights. Nightmare looked around as I tried to track her phone.

* Hers and Slash's phone were last pinged here. Nightmare we need to call the police!

* Humans never do their jobs well, their justice system is terrible. I have an old friend who's a detective that can help.

He came up to me.

* We're gonna find them, I guarantee you that.

Slash's View:
We kept our eyes closed but I could tell Luna was angry.

* ...Do you know who our parents are?!

'I know yours for sure, so you don't wanna piss me off, I'm getting revenge for what he took away from me.'

* My father took nothing from-

I suddenly heard Luna gasp and struggle to breathe. The guy used magic to tie blindfolds onto us and tie our hands back. Luna was still struggling to breathe.

* You're hurting her!

'Well, she's the closest to my enemy.'

You can be my knight in shining armour!

* No she's not. I am. I'm his son, his eldest son.

'You don't necessarily look the part.'

* It's a long mother passed away before he got together with Luna's mothers.

Luna gasped for air, relieved.

A man.
A monster, not a human.

He grabbed me and pushed me against the wall.

Rough wait, gloves.

He used magic to force duct tape to my mouth before smashing my skull against the wall. I whined in pain as I felt a warm liquid roll down my face.

'Dream and Nightmare ruined everything for me. Took my hopes and dreams, crushed my spirits. Do you have any idea how that feels?!'

He pushed me to the floor.

* Leave him alone, please!

Nightmare's View:
"My and my team will not rest until we find them. In the meantime you all need to stay home, security has been tripled."

* Dan, I'm not gonna sit at home while Luna and Slash are out there. They could be h-

"Hurt, I know. We're gonna go back to the store and search the place top to bottom. I'll tell you if we've found anything."

I thanked Dan and went inside. I could feel the panic and stress in the others.

* Did he find anything..?!

* Not yet Blue...but I'm not gonna stay here and let them look.

* Nightmare it's uns-

Blue's View:
Nightmare teleported off, leaving me in the living room with the others.

Epic and Dust were comforting one another. I went to sit with them.

* We're gonna find our children, I guarantee you Dust.

* They could be anywhere Blue...

* They're intelligent Dust, they'll find a way to contact us. ❤️

Slash's View:
I couldn't move, but I wasn't too worried, my pain tolerance was through the roof.

'You can take off your blinds, you can't get out of this room anyways.' He left the room and locked it behind him.

Luna ran to my side and quickly removed hers and mine. She was crying...

* A-Are you okay?!

* Could be better...

She wiped her tears.

* We need to find a way out, we need to go.

* We need to gain his trust Luna, we need to find out more...

I sat up and Luna grabbed tissues to help with the bleeding. I gave her a hug and told her everything would be okay.

* We can't show him our fear, and we're just as powerful without our magic. :)

The Next Day...


Ink's View:
I avoided eye contact at all cost, my plan was to now even see his stupid face.

Kill him.
Try and talk things out...

* You haven't changed a bit, how...disappointing...

Don't say anything to him.

* You won't be silent for too long, don't you worry.

I refused to move a muscle.

Don't give him that satisfaction.

* I made you some food, and your room is in the basement.

Don't eat that food, remember old times...
Don't t-touch it!

* Stop acting so damn autistic.

No, we can't tolerate this MOUTH VOMIT forever.

I wanted to say something...but I couldn't bring myself to do so. He grabbed me arm and dragged me down to my room.

What the actual fuck...
This ain't no bedroom!!

He locked my hands in chains which extended enough for me to lay on the mattress he'd put in the basement.

* I'll come back when you're ready to act normal.

No, don't do it-

* You can't say much, you dickhead.

My brother paused.

Oh God...
Oh boy-
What did you just do?!

* ...What did you just say..?

* You heard me. You have no right to tell me what to do, you're a failure of a brother and don't deserve any life at all.

I felt a strong electric shot jolt through my body but I barely reacted to it.

* You have no idea what I've had to go through because of what you turned me into.

Blue never does anything right Dream. He's slow, lazy, he can't even follow a simple routine!

I know Ink...I know. I just don't know what to do with him anymore. We need him to help spread positivity.

Just get rid of him soon..

* You think you can just smartmouth m-

* YEAH, I DO. And WHAT? You gonna throw me into a white room?! Do what you want, you're nothing to me anymore.

His face...
His aura...
What did we just unleash..

He started to laugh, picking up a syringe.

* You must be tired...

I tried to mine but within seconds he had injected me with whatever was in it.

A sleeping serum...
This doesn't feel right.
We feel...numb.
That's not normal during our sleep.
Hey, did you guys notice how another aura was felt before we fell asleep?
It was an unfamiliar one...

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