Chapter 89 - The Last

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No One's View:
In a clash of opposing forces, the air crackled with magic as they stood resolute against the opposition. Delilah's eyes glowed purple and vines snaked through the air, ensnaring Shay, while Ellie's blue magic created bolts of lightning danced with deadly precision, striking down Sneek and Motion left and right.

Rose's illusions twisted reality, confusing Lona, giving August the opportunity to strike with her enchanted blade. Meanwhile, Dream and Cross didn't hesitate to begin fighting too.

But the evil side was not to be underestimated. Shay's shadows twisted and contorted, swallowing any light that dared to shine, which threatened Dream and his kids. Snap's explosive magic tore through the field, leaving destruction in its path, while Sneek and Seek's combined stealth made them elusive targets. Lona's dark whispers attempted to corrupt the minds of the weak-willed, while Obso's magic started to sap the strength of the righteous. Glow's blinding light disoriented her opponents, leaving them vulnerable to Vanish's silent strikes, and Motion's manipulation of time itself wreaked havoc on the battlefield.


Bloom exclaimed.

In the chaos, Bloom fought valiantly alongside her twin brother, Hope, their powers intertwining in a dazzling display of light and energy. But Violetta, fueled by dark ambition, singled out Bloom, her twisted blade dripping with malice.

She wanted them all to suffer...and she knew exactly how to do that.

'Do it, V! She'll understand!'

She nodded.

What were they planning? She looked at Motion and she nodded.

Bloom looked at Motion, then Shay, then Violetta.

* Hope.

* ?

* I think they're gonna-

Motion paused time. Amelia immediately resumed time, leading to her and Motion starting to glitch time.


"Our timeline, our rules on time, Princess."

* ...Princess?
Thought Cross and Dream.

Motion started to speed up the rate at which is she was pausing the timeline, meaning nobody could really move...except for Violetta. She silently teleported infront of Hope.

Time resumed.

Violetta lunged forward, driving her blade deep into-

Before she could realise what happened, Bloom had teleported in front of her brother, the blade going straight into Bloom's soul, a cry of anguish echoing through the battlefield as Hope and her parents watched in horror. Time seemed to stand still as Bloom's magic stained the ground.

Bloom's View:
I felt it stab right into my soul.

Bloom? BLOOM!

I was facing Hope...his eyes widened. If I moved around too much I might've-

My body fell straight into Hope's arms.

* S-Sis, d-dont you dare-

Violetta stood back, her arms shaking in shock...what the fuck had she done..

* Y-You're not l-leaving u-us..d'you hear m-me?!

I felt mother, father, and Solis teleport next to me, coming down to see me. Mother tried to heal the wound.

But it was a special kind of dagger. No level of positivity could heal a wound made by it.

Bloom don't leave them, you need to be strong.

Father and Mother laid they hands on my cheek when they realised they couldn't heal it. Everyone else came to my side as the gang turned into stone.

That meant they had crossed Delilah's lines.

"W-We need to get out of here. It's only weakening her, I've alerted Sci."

Anelia opened portals for all of us.

I felt like..

* Stay awake, please stay awake..!

An hour later...

Hope's View:
Everyone was here. Uncle Night's family, Uncle Dust's family, everyone. It had been an hour but there was still no news from Sci and Amelia. In the first half an hour we had only heard beeps, but after that, silence. I hadn't let go of Father and Mother, who were really sad. Solis hadn't said a word. After we stepped through the portal, Rose had to say her goodbyes before going back under...he hadn't said a word since. The expression on his face hadn't changed.

The door opened and Sci came out. He didn't even have to say anything.

* I'm so sorry, we couldn't save her...she's dusting you can come in and say your final goodbyes..

He opened the door for us and one family at a time, they said their goodbyes.

Solis hadn't moved.

* It's only you guys left...

Mother hadn't stopped crying. We went in and saw Bloom. She had a subtle smile on her face.

She didn't want us to think she was in pain.

* Hey baby, w-we're here...we're right here...we're not going anywhere my beautiful blooming flower..

Mother held her hand. Father kissed what was left of her forehead, about 40% of it had dusted away. She looked at them before looking at me. She used what was left of her energy and lifted her hand towards me. I couldn't help but start to cry-

I didn't want my twin to go.
My sister.
My best friend.
My everything.

* Please..please don't go...please..!

I cried, holding her hand.

* It's okay brother..

* No, no it's not! We had so many things left to do together. You're my other half..I can't do this without you..!

* I w...I won't go anywhere...

She won't go anywhere..
Because she'll have nowhere to go...

I wiped my tears and nodded, refusing to let go of her hand. I heard the door open.


He went up to her side and hugged her. Her eyes stood still. He remembered her.

He remembered everything.

He kissed her, saying sorry for not saving her quick enough.

* I..I'm sorry...and I...

Her soul dusted away.

* I love you...

The sound of a flatline came, and everything felt cold. Nobody on the hospital bed.

Nobody there.

It felt like I was trapped in concrete, frozen in place.

Nowhere to go.

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