Chapter 26 - The Shock

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Luna's View:
Everything hurt.

It hurt to move.
It hurt to breathe.
It hurt to speak.

At least this time I didn't have to hide the pain...

It had been a few hours and Sci had put me on a bunch of painkillers but it only helped a little bit. I didn't wanna talk so Outer helped by using his mind magic. I had felt Slash's presence the entire time outside the room. A mixed feeling of worry but relief to know I wasn't dead or something.

How are you feeling Luna..?

Like I just got hit by a Slash still outside?

Mhm, would you like him to come inside?

If that'll make him feel better, sure.

Outer went to go get Slash and he looked at me as soon as the door opened for him to come inside.

* She can't really talk, but I can connect you both with magic if you want. :)

* Yes please..

A pause.


Uh..hey, you okay?

I should be asking you went through a lot there..

I'll be okay.

I didn't know what you'd been through Luna...I should've seen the signs-

I hid them pretty well.

But you showed some signs and I should've helped when I had the chance...I'm so sorry...

It's okay Slash...can you tell Outer the pain killers are wearing off please-?

Slash nodded before telling Outer.

* Luna needs to get lots of rest Slash, you can come and talk to her later okay?

* Alright...

I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep.


Ink's View:
Today was the first proper meal I'd had in a while. All they'd given me was salads until I lost the weight from the pregnancies.

* Thank you...I really appreciate it.

Gaster nodded as I began to cut the steak. I put it in my mouth and enjoyed the incredible flavour before I noticed something. I immediately spat the steak out and looked over to them.

* You put poison in this...

"Good observation!"

I rolled my eyes as they gave me a new steak which thankfully didn't have poison and tasted amazing.

* So, what test is today?

"Just general training with me."

* Will I be able to call my family that?

Bete looked over at Gaster.

* No.

I sighed in frustration...I really missed them and I needed to talk to Error about what had happened.

* Error should know what happened to me.

"That would cause unnecessary problems."

* Gaster's choice caused an unnecessary problem. Error should know.

* Fine, after your training you can FaceTime them.

I thanked them and continued eating.

One Week Later...


Luna's View:
I finished having breakfast and teleported to school as we had a slightly later start that day.

I sat at the back as usual.

'Welcome back Luna!'

* Uh...thanks Miss.

The history lesson went on as normal. The bell rang after an hour and I made my way to my locker. I was changing out my books when I felt Slash's presence.

* Slash I know you're behind me.

* Wh- are you feeling today?

* Fine, thanks.

* Wanna hang out at lunch...?

* I thought you were afraid of me.

* I'm not, I promise. :)

I smiled back, closing my locker with magic. We walked down the hallway together and had the next two lessons together.

Everything was okay now...I think...

Four months later...


Ink's View:
It had been four months. Palette was about seven months old...and I had still never held him since his birth...and Jammy - besides his first word - still hasn't said anything.

* Oh, and the doc said Jammy was doing really well learning sign language.

* ...sign language..? Error he can talk.

* He hasn't said anything since that day he said hero. If we wanna learn to understand him he has to be able to communicate with us.

I sighed, looking at Jammy and Palette in his pushchair.

* Oh, and your brother hasn't been seen in months. I think he finally decided to leave you and us alone.

* Heh, that's a long as you all are safe, then I'm happy. :)

Little did we know there was a bigger picture to the whole thing...

Geno's View:
Reaper, Goth and I were at the park having a little family picnic. Goth was eating some scrambled egg in his little baby chair as Reaper and I ate our sandwiches.

* Can you believe he'll be turning one soon?

* I remember the pregnancy like it was just yesterday...😅

Today wasn't a normal day.

I took a sip of my iced apple juice and continued eating. Reaper picked Goth up and sat him up in front of him; I couldn't help but take a cute picture.

* Ready to take the cake out?

I nodded, smiling. I opened the box and took out a pastel pink cake and put the number 4 candle on it and lit it up.

* I can't believe she would've been five by now...

* She's still with us, I feel her right here.

We sang happy birthday before blowing the candles and cutting the cake. We gave a little slice to Goth while we cut our own.

Happy birthday, my love.

We packed up and walked back home, but before going into the house I took the letter in the postbox addressed to me and Reaper.

* We got a letter..?

* We rarely get letters, maybe it's from the family?

We unpacked before opening the letter.

Welcome to my game you two.
This is a game of honesty, of loyalty.
Too many things in the group have been kept hidden.
And it's finally time I got back at you all.

* What in the world...

* The group? I'm gonna call the others too see if they got this joke of a letter too.

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