Chapter 88 - The First

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Another week later...


Epic's View:
I gave all the children their packed lunches before they left for school. I sat on the sofa, taking a sigh of relief. The others were on a mission, leaving me the babies, and Outer at home.

* Morning!

I smiled as he entered with Noir, playing him down on the fluffy carpet. Star was in his little baby rocker whilst Palette was crawling around the floor, picking up his toys to play with them. Outer sat down next to me, pulling silly faces to make the little ones laugh.

* Can you believe that Noir is turning three soon??

* Awwww! Do you plan on doing anything for his birthday?

* There's a soft play area twenty minutes away so I might take him and all the kids there. :)

* Nice!

I rubbed my tummy as I watched TV. Everything was calm as of now. The triplets and Rose were one step closing to saving Bloom, they just needed to find August. Once they did that, then making that purple crystal would be easy and saving her would be possible.

* Epic?

* Mhm?

* Are you pregnant?

I choked on my drink.

* I- what??

* Sorry! That was a bit's've been rubbing your tummy for the last five minutes...

* Right...I read somewhere that it helped to manifest pregnancy. But nope, no baby yet..

* Awww, don't worry. When the time is right, you'll know.

* Hehe, thanks.

One week later...

Rose's View:
I finally heard the knock on the door that I was waiting for and quickly went to open it.


"Heyy! It's so good to see you...alive!"

"Pfft, thanks. Come in, we don't have too much time. The more time we waste, the harder it'll be to separate them."

She nodded, following me to Sci's lab. The triplets were there, ready to begin.

"Solis, step put of the room for a bit,  when we're done, we'll unlock the door. Okay bro?"

He hesitantly nodded as he left the room.

Bloom's View:
"Bloom, I don't like liars."

* I'm not lying. How many times do I need to say this?!

Just stay calm.

"Vanish showed me your phone and the messages."

* You took my phone, remember?!

"You could've easily taken it back."

* Maybe, just maybe do you think he planted those messages??

"He wouldn't do that. Bloom, it's not the first time this month that you've broken the rules. I need to reinforce them into your thick skull."

I closed my eyes as soon as I saw the clear crystal.

* Don't do this.

I have to agree with V here, your priorities aren't in order.

"It'll be painless if you give in quickly."

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