Chapter 62 - The Hopeless

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One month later...

Sci's View:
* I'm so nervous....

Cross gave Bloom and Hope a hug as I closed the door behind me. Dream's vitals had been all over the place which meant one of two things: either he was sending a sign that he was ready to wake up, or something we hadn't realised had gotten worse. I injected one of his IVs with medication to wake him up before removing the breathing tube and turning off the monitor was kept his soul like an incubator.


His vitals were going down very slowly, but not so quick that it was a sign that he wasn't ready.

* C'mon Mother...

Cross's eyes widened as Dream very slightly squeezed the hand ghat was holding his.

* Dream??

I didn't take my eyes off his vitals, why were they going down? I increases the amount of positivity going into his body and his eyes fluttered.

* He's definitely awake, but I'm guessing a certain someone is depleting him of energy.

Dream's View:
I pushed Shattered back and went towards the light but he wouldn't let me go.

I wasn't lying when I said sooner or later we'd be together forever.

* You need to let me go, look at the children.

I don't care about-

* I said LOOK.

And so he did.

* We're the reason why they're here. Don't strip then of their mother. You don't want to do that to them.


* Let me go, you'll still be able to make me suffer all you want. But I won't let you make these children suffer. I want to hold my baby, I want to be the parent I chose to be.

Whatever, go.

He let go and I fell into the light.

I could feel Cross's hand....

* What in the-

I gasped as I felt that sudden rush of positivity and opened my eyes. Before I could say anything, all four of them gave me a huge hug. Sci went to the other side of the room and I saw him picking up StarCross..

* I'm so happy you're okay, my love..

I kissed Cross before Sci came up to me.

* Do you have the strength to hold him..?

I nodded; he gave him to me. Star was so precious, so handsome..he looked just like his father.

* We have so much to catch you up o-

* Don't worry, I could hear everything. Although, there's one person I would like to talk to..


Solis's View:
I sat in the garden and looked at the flowers. They were beautiful...

It had been over a month since Flail and I had been separated and everything felt too quiet. A deadly kind of silence. But even with him out of me, I couldn't stop...but I felt too guilty to get any help. All it took was me being stronger, then so many people would've been safe.

That's all it took.

I noticed Cross enter the living room so I opened a portal to go back to my room. Before I could go in, he opened the garden door.

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