Chapter 29 - The Drain

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Ink's View:
We were doing some strength testing when the bigger screen in the lab shut down before switching back on, my eyes widening at the view.

Delight and Harmony...

"What the hell..."

"Do you know Ink?"

Delight nodded.

"Did you love him?"

* A-As a friend, s-sure but-

"Delight, don't lie to me. You loved him much more than that right?"

He held up the picture of Delight and I holding hands at the café we used to always go to together.

* Y-Yes..but he didn't f-feel the same way anymore...

"Anymore? He used to love you?"

* A very long time ago..even before he met Error. But he said it didn't feel right, m-my feelings st-still remained th-though..

Another picture was shown.

"So explain this to me."

* I...I-

"I'm not playing games with you Delight, explain this now."

* I-It was the d-day before Ink left to stay with Error...h-he felt bad for me...he f-felt bad that I still loved him! S-So he kissed me as a g-goodbye..

"He kissed you whilst dating Error, hm?"

* I-It didn't mean anything to him-!

The guy looked at Harmony.

"You had a kid with Ink?"

* I- what? N-No, I adopted Harmony years after..

"Is that true, Harmony?"

* Y-Yes..! My mother died when I was five...s..she the shot..

He laughed.

"What a coincidence."

"Does your mother still love Ink?"

The tennis racket fell to the floor and the video stopped.

Gaster and Bete looked at me in surprise.

Error's View:
The TV paused before going back to the show from before.

* Error...I-

I immediately teleported back to the lab, the others looking at Ink in shock.

* You seriously never bothered to tell me?!

* Erro-


* It didn't mean anything Error-

The anger was burning inside of me.

* It might have not 'meant anything to you', but it meant everything to him clearly. And the fact you didn't want to tell me means you felt something too.

* Error I didn't even have my vials at the time, it literally meant nothing.

* Ink, Error trusted you to be loyal.

Bete realised what Gaster was trying to do.

"I agree, if I had a boyfriend that went around kissing his friends, I would count that as cheating."

* It wasn't like that! It was on the day I was leaving him for Error, because I knew my heart was for Error and Error only, I knew if I continued living with Delight, problems would start.

* Right, so you kissed it all better.

I glared into Ink's eyes.

Don't stay mad.
Breathe, just like the book you've been reading said.

* Error I'm sorry, but I promise you that kiss meant-

* I need a break from you.

I looked down, clenching my fists. I needed time...would I class this as cheating? It was so long ago...does it count towards anything anymore? He hid it from me...

* Error please don't-

I teleported back home to the living room, Delight and the kid still seated.

* I'll talk to Night but I'm sure you can stay here until it's safe to go home...

* Error, Ink wasn't cheating on you, I promise.

* I don't want to talk about this anymore.

* I said what the guy wanted to hear. A confession he could use against me. What I didn't say about the picture was that-

* Delight we can talk about this some other time.

I teleported to my room and sat down to think.

The Next Day...


Dream's View:
[ * Dream are you sure about this..? I know planes aren't your thing.. ]

* Trust me, I'll be fine! I'm trying to get over my fear anyway.

[ * Alright..I'll pick you up from the airport about an hour after you land, so feel free to get food and stuff. ]

* Will do, thank you. 😊

I hung up and phone and continued packing, ticking off the things on my list. Cross came into the room with some lemonade for the both of us.

* Hey babe, how's packing going?

* Great, I'm almost done. Are you sure you'll be okay with the kids when I'm not here, I know they can be frustrating sometimes...

* Dream, we'll be fine.

I smiled, giving Cross a hug.

A few days later...

I finally took a breath of relief as the plane landed. I went down and got something to eat, hoping it would calm my nausea down. I waited for about half at hour before Realm came to pick me up. We hugged upon seeing each other for the first time since the war between humans and monsters.

* How are you? It's been ages!

* I've been great, how bout you?

* Really good actually, I seeing someone now. :)

* Aww Realm I'm so happy for you! Before I go, I have to meet 'em.

A few hours later...

* I can't wait to have a sleepover like the old times.

* I know right, I miss those times so much!

We snuggled into the big sleeping bag we always used to share and turned on our favourite movie. But as usual, we fell asleep within the hour, in peace.

Hey, I was thinking we visited Ink, see what's up with him and Error.

Yeah, I agree. After that video, Error has been in a shit mood.

He's always in a bad mood Cross. ;-;

True, but he hasn't even been spending time with Jammy, and we've been taking of Palette more than anything this week. He's been so...out of it.

Mhm..I wonder what Ink said to make Error feel this way.

I feel as if that video was a way to separate them. Do you think the culprit did this on purpose?

I mean, it would make sense since his note talked about revealing the truth and confessing.

Yeah, but we'll be okay my love, we never hide things from each other.

Exactly. Hey I gotta go run some errands but I'll be back to cook dinner with the twins, ok?

Alright my love.

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