Chapter 83 - The Artist

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Ink's View:
I returned back home and went to Dream's room.

* Hey...did you find anything?

* No Bloom yet, but I found a timeline that might help us.

Cross sat down next to Dream, who was feeding Star.

* Go on.

* There was a timeline that ended a long time ago but I checked the game history files and it seems to be the timeline where the crystals were first recorded. The Shattered of that timeline was a good guy, weirdly enough.

* I didn't even realise that Shattered wasn't in my mind anymore.. I just thought he was tired or something..

* It's not your fault Dream. If I get get in contact with the Shattered of that timeline, we can get an advantage in this situation.

* Thanks Ink..

I nodded, leaving the room and going to Amelia. She was sitting and reading in Solis's room. I knocked gently.

* Heyyy, how is he?

"He wants his brother..."

* Fl-


Amelia tapped him on the shoulder and he slowly opened his eyes.

"How are you feeling?.."

* F-Flail...where's my brother, a-and Rose...please..they promised they'd be here..

"I'm sorry Solis, not right now.."

Tears rolled down his eyes and Amelia gave him a hug.

* Where do you last remember them at, Sol?

"Th-The attack...please I know to know if they're okay! Please.."

* Do you remember who we are?

He shook his head, his hands shaking.

Was Solis scared of us..?

* You can trust me, I promise Solis. Do you remember the name Bloom..?

He shook his head again. Amelia followed me out of the room.

"Can we get his memory back..?" She asked.

* There's always a way to reverse things, and I'll figure it out, just give me some time, k?

She nodded, going back to stay with Solis. Error opened his portal and came to me.

* They're fast asleep, shall we?

* Yep!

I opened a portal to the abandoned timeline. The sky was red and the floor was encompassed with a black liquid. I used magic to track the most recent location of the survivors of this timeline. Error opened another portal into...into Hidden!Tale.

* Oh, this is one of the timelines on Ellie's list.

* Well this mission couldn't get anymore...interesting.

We went through and used magic to track down the people we needed. I teleported Error and I do a big house and knocked on the door.

* Do you think their Ink and Error will look like us?

* Ya never know.

* Ooo, maybe they'll be opposites! Aahhh I'm always so excited to see-

The door opened and it was Blue. He looked more or less the same.

* Oh! Uh...

* Haha, hi! I'm Ink and this is Error, but not your Ink and Error, can we come in?

* Sure. :)

We went in and sat in the living room as Blue went to get his Ink and Error. Eventually they came, and they were holding hands.

Let's hurry up, I'm tired.
You're so grumpy...

* Oh hi...other me! How can we help?

* Well, my timeline's in a bit of a pickle and we need to know more about-

"The crystals of Ida."

We turned to see their Ellie enter the room.

* Yeah, those.

Error put on his glasses.

"What would you like to know?"

* How do we reverse their addicting effects? And how can we release someone from somebody else's control when they're under the influence of the crystals?

She sat down.

"Well...there's two ways. Either giving the person's magic up, or finding the purple crystal. It separates the possessor from the victim."

* ..the purple crystal?

"Mhm, it has the ability to reverse the effect of any of the crystals, and punishes the possessor by turning them into stone." She explained.

Error sat back up, a bit more interested now.

* How do we find this purple crystal?

"Oh it can't be found. The five Spheldian witches need to connect their magic together. Pink, blue, purple, yellow, orange."

* All 5 of them..? We only have the triplets.


* Mhm! Amelia, Ellie, and Delilah. Pink, blue, and purple.

"Yellow and orange are most likely in your timeline's overground. They're the youngest witches, probably teenagers by now. They're not monsters, but are fully aware of their magical abilities...they probably even know the triplets are nearby."

* Our timeline is gigantic...but it's worth it if we can save Bloom.

"Who's Bloom?"

* One of Dream and Cross's children. She's being controlled by Shattered and the crystals.

They all looked shocked.

"Shattered is a bad guy in your timeline??"

Error nodded, rolling his eyes.

* Sheesh...he's really nice here. He's with Dream right now.

* Where?

* It's a long story..

I nodded, standing up and dragging Error up too.

* Thank you so much for all the help!

"No problem, feel free to return if you need anymore help." :)

Hope's View:
I was sat up in bed, trying to think about where Bloom might've gone. Solis had forgotten everything about us. He only remembered his dead siblings. I knew Bloom better than what was missing?

Bloom, how do you understand all this's impossible!

You've just got to evaluate the question from a unique view.


It's not about where she'd go, it's about where Shattered would go. Somewhere he'd have the support of his team.

But who was in the gang?

Flail is dead.
That version of Lust is dead...I think.
Violetta was somewhere over the rainbow.

He wouldn't go somewhere we'd know.

Somewhere we'd be hesitate to go to.

Somewhere dangerous.

Where ever that was...I'd figure that out after some sleep...

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