Chapter 91 - The Trip

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One Week Later...

Blue's View:
* Are you sure you've got everything? You have a habit of forgetting things.

* Yes mother! Remember we wrote the list together.

* True..okay go put your things in the car as I go check on the others.

She nodded before dragging her big suitcase to the family car.

I teleported to another hallway and knocked on Solis's door before opening it.

* Hey Sol, have you finished packing dear?

He nodded.

* Have you packed your medical bag too..?

* Yeah...can you check to make sure I've packed everything..?

* Sure. :)

I checked everything before giving him a thumbs up. I helped him take his things to the family car.


..where was Hope?

I teleported to his room and saw his suitcases was packed but he wasn't there. I teleported his things to the car before going to Sci's lab.


Dream and Cross were with Hope in the room where..

I opened the door slowly.

* I can't go without her..mother I just can't...

* She would want you to go Hope, do this for her..

I went to them, laying my hand on his shoulder.

* She won't be mad at you for going, and she'll be with you every step of the way. :)

* We don't know that for sure..

* We all know Bloom, she wouldn't stay in one room the whole time, she'd wanna go with all of you...give her that chance to explore where she wouldn't otherwise.

He looked up at me before nodding.

We all went with him to the car and the teens got in. Nightmare was driving them.

Nightmare's View:
We were finally ready. I had to drop them off at the port where the school would take them on the cruise. If it was up to the dads, they wouldn't be going on this residential trip, but the mother's opposed it.

* Are you all excited?

Three of them nodded, Hope sat still looking out the window. I didn't want to disturb him in case he was...deep in thought.

* Father?

* Mhm?

* Can we make a quick stop at-

* Luna no, we can't be late..

* Oh come on! I promise I won't-

* Nope.

She rolled her eyes before laughing. After an hour driving, we got to the port and we went to the allocated teacher for their group with their suitcases.

* I'll see you four in three weeks, okay? You call me if anything happens.

They nodded before saying goodbye.

Slash's View:
After signing in, we finally got on the cruise. Solis and I were sharing a room. We were unpacking our things when the robotic voice announced the departure of the cruise in a few minutes.

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