Chapter 38 - The Echoing

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Error's View:
* That wasn't Geno and I didn't realise Error, what kind of boyfriend am I?

* It's not your fault, it was an exact replica in appearance, voice, and routine. The clue said it was someone you knew from the past.

* I can't think of another revengeful or aggressive skeleton in my past. But I'll try to look at families that lost families unjustly.

* Thanks, we're gonna get Geno back I promise you.

* Okay..I'm gonna stay with Goth for now...

I nodded before teleporting back home.

* How did the questioning with Ink go?

Horror gave me that look.

* He's...he's really mad. All we really know was that whoever his friend was from high school was a skeleton.

* Ugh, he's so stubborn.

* He's stubborn~?

* Shut the fuck up Killer. I'll go talk to him myself.

Jammy tagged on my trousers and I picked him up. We teleported to Gaster's office.

* He's not having visito-

* Do I give a shit? Let me into the lab, now.

"Ink won't even talk to us, do you really think he wants to talk to you?"

* ..he has no choice.

Bete took me down to see Ink and he was still in his capsule, sat down facing away from the door.

"I've never seen him so mad before.."

She left us to be alone. I put Jammy down and he went to sit down and watch us.

* There's something you're not telling us.

He didn't even react to my voice. I sighed in frustration.

* Care about someone else for once Ink, Geno is in danger!

He finger twitched.

I'd never seen him do that before.

* Ink please, we need to save Geno! You're keeping information from us.

* I said I don't remember.

* Then try harder, seriously.

Jammy walked towards Ink and tapped on his capsule.

* Turn around and take this serio-

Ink turned around suddenly and his eyelights were completely gone. He punched the capsule and it cracked slightly, scaring Jammy. He ran back to me and hid behind me.

His eyelights returned and he looked right at me.

* Get Gaster.

* What? Why? Ink we need to-

* Jammy, go get Gaster..

He nodded and left the room.

* Why do you need-

Ink began to slouch.

* Press the blue button, hurry..-

* What's wrong? If this is your way of deflecting the-

* I'm about to pass out, so press the blue button Error.

* What..-?!

I pressed the button and the glasses trapping Ink lifted. I ran up to him and held him.

* The clue..the clue meant two different meanings.

* What do you mean?

* Hydrogen peroxide...those bullies poisoned me with me..put it was also a chemical forgotten friend was obsessed with...

* Oh no-

* He's found a way to p-poison me with..with..

Geno's View:
* Oh my God...what did you do to him?!

* Nothing he can't tolerate~

* He's seizing you IDIOT.

* He's had seizures before, he can tolerate it.

* That's not a good thing. He could die!

* What a shame. Anyways, tell me about Dream's weaknesses.

* I barely talk to him, I don't know..but please don't do anything to him, Dream's pregn-

* Does it look like I care? Now I'm gonna give Dream a phone call, and we're gonna have a little chat with him.

Outer's View:
* Hey, look.

Dream looked at my screen.

* I compressed the list of the those who signed up to be part of the good Sanses to those who had higher IQs and had a history of timeline hopping. Solis, Ocean, and Demo Sans.

He got out his phone and called Reaper.

( * Hey, have you found anything? )

* Maybe, I'm sending three names to you, do any of them sound familiar?

There was a pause.

( * Oh my God... )

* What??

( * Solis. It's got to be Solis, he was Geno's counsellor for the last few months. I should've known- )

* Reaps don't say that. Now we know who it is we can figure out how to take him down.

Geno's View:
Solis twitched as Reaper said his name. He grabbed the bottle of pills next to him and grabbed a bottle of water.

* I guess that takes you out of the equation...

* What do you mean?

* You're not needed anymore, THAT'S what I mean. You need to die.

I needed to stay calm. I knew some of his weaknesses.

* That doesn't sound like something a good Sans would do. In fact, they do the opposite.

* Shut up.

* Most of their missions are primarily reuniting families together and getting them to safety. So get me back home and let me be with my son.


* You have every reason to, you were practically trapped in a room all of your childhood.

* D-Don't-

* Then let. Me. Go.


I blinked and realised I was in Goth's room. I quickly picked him up and dashed to the living room and used the house phone to call Reaper.

( * ...Hello? )

* Reaper I'm okay, I'm home, why did you leave Goth alo- EEK!

Reaper hugged me tightly from behind as I dropped the phone.

* I'm so glad you're okay, did he do anything to you?!

* No no, I'm okay. He's going for Dream next, I don't know what he's gonna do but he's really angry right now.

We had to warn the others.

Dream's View:
I printed off all the information we had on Solis and took it to Night and Blue.

* Solis did all this...because we decided not to make him a good sans..? Jeez..

* That's why it's so much easier being a villain guys.

I rolled my eyes before pinning the info onto the board. I sat down on Night's chair whilst the other two tried to create a more detailed profile on Solis.

* Do you think he'd have any siblings?

* His timeline was destroyed a long time ago, hence why he was a timeline hopper, so I doubt it.

* Hmm, how bout I go talk to Thomas, maybe there's a worker at the cafe that's been there longer than him?

* Sounds like a plan, we'll go with you.

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