Chapter 21 - The Rage

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One Week Later...


Luna's View:
Slash had barely spoken to me for the whole week. Besides saying hi to me during meal times he stayed well away from me. My parents had signed me up to therapy with Sci and even though it had been like a month, it was so awkward.

* So, how have you been feeling today?

* Fine.

I just wanted Slash to be happy...

* I've noticed, you and Slash haven't been hanging out a lot, what's going on with that?

* I dunno.

Sci gave me his look.

* He feels unsafe around me, and he has every reason to.

* Why do you say that?

* If it wasn't for me, none of what happened would've happened. He's scared.

* Luna that wasn't your f-

* Yes it was. He even told me he thought someone was following us, I should've teleported home with him, used a protection spell, called my parents sooner.

* Luna, do you hear yourself? You can't blame yourself for what happened, and until you sit down with Slash and have a conversation about what happened and how to heal together, it's gonna eat you up.

I sighed and looked away.


I knocked on Slash's bedroom door and waited a few seconds before he opened it.

* Hey...can we talk?

* Uh- sure..come in..

And so I did. I sat down on his desk chair as he sat down on his bed.

* What's up?

* I uh...well I just wanted to talk really..we haven't talked all week to one another.

* Oh, yeah...

Just ask him!

* Are you scared of me..-?

* No, of course not, why would you say that?

* Because of what happened...and how you haven't spoken to me all week because of it..

* I just feel safer with my parents Luna, please try to understand...


* Will it ever be like how it was before..?

He remained silent.

It's his way of saying no.

* Slash, please, I don't want to lose what we had. You're my best friend and-

* Luna let's not talk about this anymore, just...just respect my decision please...

* But-

* Luna I'm being serious! I sacrificed myself then for you, okay?! So just be grateful and let's end the conversation here, PLEASE.

He turned his head away from me.

I stood up and left the room, closing the door behind me.

Do you know what happened to your mother before I met 'em? not really?

Well it all started when I saved him before he could fully drown.

Who was I supposed to go to in a situation like this? If I told my father, he may talk to Dust confrontationally and tell him to tell of Slash...that wouldn't end well.

Mother...mother self-harmed..?

Mhm, but Blue never told a soul. Not a single person.

If I told mother, arguments would be born the same day.

How did you feel during that time, mother?

At the time, it was a feeling of...relief in a way, but now that I'm in a better mindset, I realise it was very damaging.

You're really brave. 😅

So I just sat in my room.

One month later...


It had been five week since the kidnapping and from what I saw, Slash was really happy. I stayed in my room 99% of the time though. Father and mother didn't like that but...I liked it. I heard a knock on my door.

* Luna, lunch is ready! Please get out of your room!!

* Okay mother-!

I teleported down to the dining room and sat next to Father. I didn't realise Slash was opposite me until I looked up. We all started eating.

* Are you ready for today Slash, I can't wait to show you the funfair!!

* Thanks Bloom, I'm really excited too!

Everyone was talking to one another.

I barely ate.

* You guys are going out without me...?

Hope and Bloom looked at Slash.

* We thought you didn't wanna come...

* Bloom you know I love a fun day out. 😅

* Yeah..that's why I was surprised when Slash said you didn't wanna come.

I looked at Slash.

* Seriously..?

* I didn't feel comfortable...the possibility of-

* It's been over a month, Slash. I've given you time, patience, respect and had no right to do that.

* When you go what I went through Luna, you'll understand me.

* I do understand you, but you lied to my cousins! You never even asked me in the first place if I wanted to come.

* Luna how about tomorrow you and I can go out? Slash is uncomfortable and that's understandable. What happened takes months to get over...

* I know that Hope, I was kidnapped too...

* You got it easy though Luna, you got it so easy.

Almost killed Lux..
Held at gunpoint..
That 'talk'.....-

Last month:
It was the middle of the night and Luna and Slash were asleep (this was before Slash got hurt badly). The kidnapped grabbed Luna so she'd stay in place as he undid the chains. He forced her up to his room and sat her down on his bed.

* What the fuck do you want.

'Answers. You answer them correctly, nobody gets hurt.'

He took out some files, and a small container with powder.

'You're gonna tell me where the other golden apples are. Dream has two hidden and I know you know.'

* I don't.

He sighed and sat besides her.

* You won't intimidate me.

'You're a tough one, y'know.'

He took out a cloth and put the powder on it.

'I'm giving you one more chance.'

* Why would I know? I'm Nightmare's daughter, not D-

He grabbed her neck and but the cloth around her mouth.

'You'll slowly suffocate and die in the next minute unless you tell me something I need. Give me a thumbs up when you're ready.'

She grabbed his arm, kicking, trying to move. Luna really didn't know...

* M-MMPH-ph...-

'Ten seconds, kid.'

Her eyes widened as she heard the clock tick.

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