Chapter 17 - The Tricks

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One Week Later...


Ink's View:
I gasped for breath as he finally let go and pulled out.

We need to calm d-
Even if we do get out of here, we can only go back to Gaster's!
We don't want to go back there...
Anything is better than this...
Well unless we think of a way to break free from these stupid chains, we're going nowhere.

"You must be real tired, hm~?"

*'s been an hour.

"I paid for two hours."

* No you didn't...I watched the money you gave...m-my hours worth.

"Don't be a smartass with me, bitch. I could give you a baby if I wanted to."

* You paid for an hour, you think you can scam me?

We both looked at my brother, holding the money in his hand.


* Get out.

And so the guy did.

I sat up.

* Gaster didn't drop me at yours to be your money maker...

* No he didn't. He dropped you off here to see if you being near me caused you mental distress. So I'm gonna put you through hell until it does.

What the hell...
He's even worse, I tell ya.

* Fuck you.

* Excuse me?

* Leave me alone.

* Shut up autistic, you have guts speaking to me like that.

I think I can override the magic, bare with.
What a relief...

* I'll talk to you however I want. You told me I would get nowhere in life...yet I have two children, an amazing partner and I'm the protector of this multiverse. And what did you accomplish, HM?

Almost there...but it's gonna hurt.
That's fine.
If Gaster finds out we caused problems...
You make a good point...

* Don't you-

* No. From now on, you're gonna treat me like a person, the same way I've always treated you like one.

I freed my hands and used magic to create a protective bubble around me. My brother's eyes widened.

The Next Day...


Luna's View:
* Slash...are you okay? I didn't finish my water, you can have it if you need it...

Slash had been really unwell for the last two days. After our kidnapper found out Slash had been hiding his sleeping pills under the bed so he could protect me as I slept, it didn't end well...

Slash was poisoned.
Really badly...

* I..I'm alright...

* Slash you've thrown up twice, don't lie to me.

* I'll tell you if I get thirsty...

The door opened and I looked up at the glitched man. I stood up immediately.


'I ain't taking care of the kid, so she'll stay here with you guys.

Lux ran up to me and hugged me.

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