Chapter 30 - The Question

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Dream's View:
I woke up, feeling refreshed and ready for the day. Realm was already up and cooking breakfast for us. I looked around the house, quite a lot of things had changed. But then, it has been ages. I followed the smell and it led me to the kitchen...he was making pancakes.

I stopped eating pancakes a long time ago.

He kissed my forehead and brought my breakfast. It was the pancakes that I used to always make for him. They were part of my comfort stress foods.

Now they were made by the murderer of my happiness.

I was never going to escape this.
I just had to get used to it.

Tears rolled down my eyes and I held the fork.

* Dream, are you okay-?? You're crying...

I snapped out of the memory and looked over at Realm.

* Oh- I don't realise..sorry-! I'm just...uh...emotional. The pancakes are so nostalgic, like the good old times. 😅

* Awww! That's so cute. C'mon let's eat up then go meet my girlfriend.

I nodded, starting to eat.


Cross's View:
I dropped the twins off at school and returned back home to clean my bedroom. Unlike Dream, I was the messier one of the he usually assigned me to cleaning our bedroom.

Which sure, I didn't mind.

Organising the contents in the drawers, I noticed a diary of some sort on Dream's side.

* Oh Dream, you're so cute..

I opened to the first page.

Entry 1:
Dear diary,

I don't know if I love him or not...I haven't felt love in a very long time. But does he love me back? I want to be with him...he's truly amazing...

I smiled as I read the first few entries one by one.

But then..

Entry 22:

Dear Diary,

I feel like ending it all. Is this what the apple does to a person..? I regret taking it, I can't do this anymore.

Please help me.

It was so long ago that Dream felt this way, and I was so proud of him for surviving all he had been through. I put the diary back where I'd found it and continued cleaning.

Two weeks later...

Realm and Delilah gave me some snacks and drinks for the journey and we had a group hug before I got scanned and got onto the plane. I was excited to finally get back home to the family. I took my medication as the plane started to lift off and took a few deep breaths.

The nausea came like a beast.

It was way worst than usual.

'Is everything okay..? Would you like a drink? First class passengers get the entire menu from now.'

* I um..I feel really sick right n-now..

'Would you like a bad?'

I nodded. I took the bag and let it all out.

Imagine being travel sick.

Shut up.

Maybe those pancakes will make you feel b-

Shattered I said SHUT UP.

Jeez, what's gotten up your arse today..

I thanked the flight attendant and watched her walk away before taking out the special device and stabbed it into my thigh. I rubbed the area before taking a sigh of relief...

Before gagging again.

This was gonna be a long few hours...

Ink's View:
I stayed in the garden, throwing pebbles into the pond. I feel so worried, and anxious, and guilty...after all, those were the only feeling Gaster allowed me to feel in the last two weeks. If I had just explained it to Error, maybe he wouldn't be so mad...

The truth was...

The picture of the kiss was taken by Delight, on the last day before I left to stay with Error and focus more on being a guardian. I didn't know about the picture a few days later before he kissed me...when I was asleep. That's why we were laid down when the picture was taken...and why my eyes were closed. But I didn't want Delight to be portrayed as a bad person...he just wanted us to be a thing...but he knew that would never happen.

I just wanted to protect him.

"I've called your name seven times. I got you breakfast." Bete handed me some toast and an energy drink.

* Thanks...hey do you know when Gaster will let me speak to the family next?

"Pretty sure it's this evening actually. As long as you do what you're told."

* So I just have to survive the day.

She nodded before going back inside. I stayed looking the pond water in silence. I missed Jammy and Palette so much...when I finally got released, would they even remember me? Would Error still be mad at me? I looked over at the garden door and saw Ccino, holding a plate of cookies and two vanilla milkshakes.

* They said today was an exception. :)

He came to sit next to me and he gave me one of the milkshakes.

* How are you feeling? Gaster told me what happened..

* I feel I don't deserve Error...I should've just told everyone the truth.

* The truth?

I told him what really happened.

* Ink...

* I should've woken up or something, told him off, punched him, ANYTHING.

* Ink you can't seriously be blaming yourself for this.

I looked down.

* I'm gonna get Error and Delight down here so you all can have a talk, okay?

* Wait, Delight?

* Yeah, Delight and Harmony have been staying at Night's Every since the mysterious creep attacked them at their house.

* Oh jeez...this is all my fault!

Ccino gave me a hug.

I had put my friends and family in so much danger.
We needed to find out who this man was.

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