Chapter 3 - The Pain

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Ink's View:
We don't have to wake up yet.

Very true.

We might as well just to get over with it.

The pain we went through before were blacked out. No WAY. Let's just stay unconscious forever.

This isn't sleeping beauty.

Wake up.

I heard beeping, a beeping I knew too well. My eyes shot open and I looked at the IV connected to me. I quickly took it out and used tissue to stop any sort of bleeding. My head was pounding and so was my soul...I was so shaky...

The pain...

I took some deep breaths to help ease the pain but it did nothing. That struggle to's like I was suffocating.

The room was filled with monitors and there were cupboards filled with medications.

He said it would help with your focus so take it.
I..I d-don't want to-
Then I'll make you.

The walls were white.
The hospital bed I was in was white.

Did you take your medicine today?
You're still stuttering. Did you just lie to me?

I could barely breathe but could barely move due to the poison. My eyes went everywhere in the room to see something that I could maybe just reach.

Look at your hand, press the button!
How did we not see that-

I used what little strength I had left to press it and within a minute, Gaster came into the room. He looked at my vitals and put and oxygen mask on me as well as adding another drop to my IV.

Get it out get it out GET IT OUT-!
P-Please calm'll only make it worse!

I looked straight at Gaster, trying to get his attention.

* You should be able to breathe better. I'm doing research so if there's a proper emergency, press the button again.

I squinted my eyes even more.

* What's wrong now.

I rolled my eyes everywhere, trying to send a message to him...but it was no use. He left the room without a single look back.

So painful...
Just breathe...

The Next Day...


Dream's View:
I had to wake up early as I had a solo mission to take care off.

And it was all Nightmare's fault!

I got ready for the day and grabbed a cereal bar before walking through my portal to a very negative timeline. It took me FOUR HOURS to fix the timeline.

Yes, F O U R.

When I was finally done I returned back home and went straight to Nightmare's office, opening the door without thinking.

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