Chapter 36 - The Result

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One month later...

Blue's View:
Luna picked up Navy and went to the playroom with him so I could have some alone time. I turned on my speaker and played some of my favourite music. Cleaning the room, I enjoyed it a lot...especially the lack of baby crying and messiness.

The best part of the third song was coming up when I received a phone call. I answered it so it was on my speaker.

* Hello?

( "It's about time we talked, Baby Blue." )

I paused.

* ..excuse me?-

( "I said you'd be next, did I not? I have a lot to use against you." )

* I told Night about that message you sent. Whatever fake evidence you have, he won't believe.

I changed my aura to one that would get Nightmare's attention.

( "I doubt it, seems like pretty real evidence to me." )

Nightmare teleported into the room, laying his hands on my waist.

* Go on then, trying to separate us like you've done our friends.

( "Awww, I think Blue should admit his sins himself. You call yourself a Good Sans but are you really a good one?" )

* I have nothing to admit.

( "Oh really?" )

Little did the family stalker know Outer had found a way to hack into the call, trying his best to get a location.

( "Did you ever tell Nightmare what really happened to your brother to start acting the way he did?" )

I clenched my fists.

( "Or did you tell him about what you tried to do to Dream during the times you hated one another, knowing he was a connecting vessel?" )

Nightmare held my hand.

( "You never told him the secret you swore to keep to Luna, did ya~?" )

Has everything been okay Luna..?

The mysterious figure in my dreams...he controls my body sometimes..

Controls...your body?

He wants to hurt everyone, he wants to hurt us a-all..

Luna we can help you, just-

Promise me you won't tell dad.


Please. He'll never get out of my body unless I die, trust me, I read every book out there.

Luna what you're asking of is irrational, the others need to know!

Mother PLEASE.

* How dare you bring that up.

Night let go of my hand.

( "That's right Nightmare, Blue isn't so loyal now, is he~? He knew Luna could lash out at any moment, he knew there was a way to prevent your pain.." )

I turned around to face Night, he refused to look at me.

( "Like I said, the truth always prevails. Now onto the next stage of my game. The memory game~" )

The phone hang up and Amelia turned visible, clicking her fingers. Whoever the stalker was had been watching us using magic, so Ellie and Amelia had to use silent magic to give us privacy. Nightmare grabbed my hand and hugged me tightly.

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