Chapter 97 - The Talk

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Two weeks later...


Dream's View:
The teens were back home. Seeing them arrive back without Bloom made me feel numb.

Like I'd failed.

I carried Star and placed him om the changing table to change wih diaper. He had just woken up. I had work and missions to do today but...I was burnt out emotionally. I didn't need Shattered to be in my head to guilt trip me...the guilt was already there. I had so much opportunities to save her, but I failed.

What kind of mother was I?

* All this negativity and you could destroy as many timelines as I could, Dream.

* Good morning to you too, Nightmare.

* Calling me by my full first name? I'm worried now-

* I'm fine.

* You shouldn't be. I know how it feels to lose-

* You got her back. I watched my own brother get corrupted with the very thing I tried to prevent and I watch my own daughter die. She's never coming back.

* You don't know that Dr-


Star began to cry. I shouldn't have yelled...

I carried him and soothed him, apologising to him for my outburst.

* That was my fault.

* I should've regulated my emotions...

The feeling of not...feeling her aura anywhere made me feel so horrible.

* How could I save so many people and timelines yet not my daughter? I'm a monster...

* No you're not, don't say that.

* Last night Cross was upset, he was crying. He thought I was asleep and it's my fault he feels like a horrible father.

How could I have done this to them..

* If you produce too much negativity, Shattered might return.

* I don't care if he does, it makes no difference. She's gone.

* He'll make you feel worse.

* Nothing feels worse than this.

It was numb.

There was a knock on the door and Cross opened it, Hope besides him.

Nightmare's View:
Dream's aura and frown quickly changed into a positive smile.

* Hey you two, is everything okay? :)

* Yeah, we thought it would be nice to have a family talk...?

* Should I go?-

* No it's alright Unc, we were actually hoping you could join.

I nodded and sat down on one of the overly comfy sofa chairs. The others sat down too, Dream breastfeeding Star under a thin blanket.

* So, how's everyone feeling today?

* I'm good Dad. 🙂

I looked at Dream.

* I'm great. 😊

Cross looked at me.

* I'm tired, but I'll live.

* I wanted to say that now we've agreed to a funeral for we all feel about it.

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