Chapter 5 - The Past

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Three hours later...


Ink's View:
I had just finished lunch and finally had time for myself. I had woken up earlier today so we could get testing and stuff done before the end of the day. I sat in the garden and relaxed. The family were going to holiday so they had no service until the evening.

Nerves had built up inside of me over the last few days. My senses had been dialled up and hearing, feeling, seeing everything in a dangerous amount of detail only stresses me out. The agility and combat tests I'd be having only made me more skittish in a way...overly cautious. It kept me on but feet a little too much.

But I didn't have a way out..

"Ink, we've got you a buddy for the next few months."

Another Sans was pushed into the garden and I saw he had a magic suppressing bracelet on too.

* Hi I'm Ink, nice to meet you.

* H-Hi...nice to meet you too...

He seemed terrified. I wonder what Gaster and Bete had done to him...

Blue's View:
The plane finally landed and Dream finally woke up. Cross helped him off the plane and Luna cried Lux off. The rest of us got off and we were looked at all the portals in front of us.

* Isn't Lux so cute? 😊

* I know, I remember when she was born.

* I would love to see her baby pictures one day.

Luna and I talked as we went through the portal into Dream!Tale. We all checked into the hotel and went to our rooms to unpack. I was sharing a room with Nightmare and Navy while Luna was sharing a room with Bloom.

Nightmare, Blue, Navy
Luna, Bloom
Hope, Slash
Dream, Cross, Lux
Error, Jammy, Palette
Epic, Dust
Amelia, Sci
Ellie, Horror
Killer, Outer, Noir

* Ah Nighty, can you change Navy's diaper please? I'm gonna go check on everyone else.

A tentacle took Navy and he replied with a yes. I went out of it run and went to knock door 17b, Cross's room. He opened and smiled, letting me in.

* Oo you guys have a lovely room! How's Dream doing?

* A lot better actually. :)

I went to their bedroom and saw Dream, awake and sitting up as if nothing ever happened.

* Hey Dream, how are you doing?

* I feel better now, I think I'll teleport home when we're going back. 😅

* Understandable. I'm really sorry about Nightmare's attitude today, I don't know what's up with him.

* It's okay. He's my brother, we naturally have it bad times. Hopefully we don't run the holiday for everyone else...

* No no I'm sure you won't!


Dream's View:
We finished having dinner in a fancy restaurant and went back to our rooms.

* I'm gonna go for a walk, after all I haven't been here in ages...

* Sure sunshine, call me if you need anything. :)

I kissed Cross before leaving. I walked for about twenty minutes before getting to the tree of feelings. I stood and stared at it for a while.

Brother, look!
That's nice. :) it true we have twin telepathy?
Honestly, I hope so. We can protect one another even when we're not near.

Don't you believe me, Dream..?
I..I do brother, it's just-
You care more about them.
That's not-

* What are you doing here?

I turned to see Nightmare, looking straight at me.

* Am I not allowed to be here?

He went silent with my response. I sat by the tree and Night sat on the other side. I wave of exhaustion fell upon me so I decided to rest my eyes a bit...

The...the past?:
Dream had gone to help the village, leaving me all alone to look after the tree. I was reading when I heard footsteps coming up the hill.

"You sure they're not gonna be here?"

"Doubt it, we saw the happy one down at the centre remember?"

"Yah but what about-"

I looked up to see two monsters approaching the tree.

* Go away.

"Last I checked, this ain't your tree buddy."

* My brother and I are the protectors of this tree, so go away.

They laughed before getting out their axes. I stood up and glared at both of them.

"We only want one apple buddy, so step aside."

* No.

Their wicked smiles became dark frowns.

"Keep him still."

My eyes widened as the bigger one came towards me.

I was no match to him...-

He grabbed me and made me watch the other approach the tree.


I tried to move but he forced me to kneel and watch it all. I used magic to melt their axes and they realised what I could do.

"You're gonna regret that!"

Before I had any chance to react, other smaller kicked me hard in the stomach and the other grabbed my neck firmly.

* St-ST-

"Fucking idiot."

His hand got tighter and tighter and I could only struggle...

The pain never stopped..

The Past- wait wasn't it just-:
I approached the group of villagers, unhappy. The wedge this had created between Night and I made me feel horrible...and Nightmare didn't deserve any of it.

"Hey Dream, what's up? Here to give us our daily-"

* You all need to leave my brother and the tree of feelings alone. You're not allowed to take the apples.

"Love ya lots but you don't get to choose what we do."

I was a bit surprised by the response, after everyone I did for them.

* Sure, but leave the tree alone.

"Don't tell us what to fucking do."

"Just put him in his place like we did the brother-"

* Excuse me.

I felt my arms being grabbed from behind and something put around my neck.

My magic...I couldn't feel it..-

Before I could react, my eyes widened to the swing of an axe. I screamed in pain as they laughed.

The Present:

Nightmare's View:
I woke up suddenly by the tree. That wasn't my memory, that was-

I heard sobbing.

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