Chapter 35 - The Hint

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Reaper's View:
Geno finished his session and went straight to bed. Was he okay? Solis smiled at me before teleporting back home so I went upstairs to check on my love.

* Hey G, how was today's session?

* It was fine, I want to rest.

* You don't sound fine, you sound mad..

* Sorry...I just don't feel my best today..

* Aww that's ok babe, I'm gonna go to the park with Goth, do you think you'll be okay or should we stay..?

* I'll be fine. :)

I gave him a kiss before getting Goth and I ready and going to the baby park about a 20 minute walk from our house.

Today was gonna be fun!

One month later...

Dream's View:
I knocked on the door the waited for Sci to open up. Soon enough he did and welcomed me in happily.

* Hey Dream! How can I help?

* Cross and I had an argument recently..I need to prove that this baby is his, I really do.

* We can prove that in a month's ti-

* I did research, there's another test we can do, right? A soul extraction, taking a tiny little bit of the baby's soul and confirming mine and Cross's magic link to it, right?

* Dream do you know how painful and invasive that procedure is?? The consequences of that test are emotionally, mentally and physically torturing.

* Sci I can't wait one more month, this stupid stalker is doing my head in!

Sci sighed.

* I'm sorry, but I can't do this test on you, the risk is too high. It'll be my first time doing it, I'm not risking it.

* Risking what? Sci I can deal with pai-

* If I take too much, it'll kill the baby.

I paused.

Told ya it wouldn't be worth it.

Shut up Shattered. Go read a book or something.

This is way more fun~

* Fine...

Sci gave me a cup of hot chocolate.

* Wanna tell me what the argument was about..?

* The stalker photoshopped a picture and sent it to Cross..

* Oh jeez, this guy won't take a break..

I nodded, sipping some hot cocoa. A sudden wave of subtle pain came upon and I cringed very slightly; I rubbed my tummy to ease it a bit.

* You okay?

I nodded, the stress must've been getting to me. I felt it again, but worst.

This is so funny to watch. See how when I made you pregnant, you didn't experience this pain?

You're right, I didn't. I experienced much worse you idiot.

Don't lie to yourself, bitch.

* Sorry..I just felt something..

* Tightening? Pain?

* It's fine...I should go and get some rest..

I thanked Sci for the hot chocolate before teleporting back home and sitting down on the bed.

You don't satisfy me enough.

* I don't live to satisfy you.

Not yet. You don't want to admit it to yourself, but the only reason why I'm not in control is because I'm being nice. I'll take over soon, and you'll be begging for my mer-

* Sure I will Shattered.

This really is a joke to you, isn't it.

* You're a joke to me, now be quiet before I use the device.


I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

Want me to prove what I've been saying?

* Wh-

I froze as I saw him in the mirror, looking right at me.

Like old times...

* H-How did you-

All I have to do is break through this mirror, and it'll go back to before, y'know.

My soul...
My hands...

I quickly turned around from the mirror and left the bathroom, banging into Cross.

* Are you okay..?

I looked up at him and stepped back.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a bit.

* Yeah...yeah sorry..just unfocused. You okay?

* Yeah..I'm fine..

I've had enough of this bitchy attitude from you.

You think I care? You can try to scare me all you want, it won't work.

Welp, I warned you.

You didn't do sh-

* Argh-!

* Dream??

I held my tummy as I held onto the counter next to me. Something didn't feel right-

Something felt very very wrong-

See? I wasn't kidding about the power I had~

* G-Get the- get the thing- CRAP!-

I fell to the floor in more pain.

C'mon Dreamy, don't test me again, okay~?

* Your medicine?? Sci?? Dream you need to tell me what you're feeling-

Cross laid me onto the floor and into a more comfortable position. I felt tears rolling down my face as I pointed at my top bedside drawer.

* In there..? Okay hold on.

Beg for mercy, you bitch.

I curled up as the pain became excruciating. Cross quickly opened the drawer and realised what I needed. The device. Weirdly enough, he knew exactly which way to face it and what setting to put it on. He stabbed it into my thigh and massaged the area as Shattered's voice disappeared and so did the pain. I took a sigh of relief as the pain finally vanished, holding Cross's hand tightly.

I looked at him and he knew exactly what that look meant.

* Sci told me..he told me that you were hearing him and how to use the device..Dream you should've told me..

* You didn't trust me anymore..I...I couldn't upset you again..

* I could've helped...I-I'm so sorry..

I didn't want to be put into this situation any longer, so I teleported away.

Geno's View:
* You don't gain anything from putting my friends through this.

* Oh but I do, they'll know what it feels to be rejected.

* And you think they'll accept you after doing this?

Solis glared at me, scoffing.

* They'll accept me without a choice soon enough...

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