Chapter 61 - The Reach

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The Next Day...


Ink's View:
I woke up and had a huge stretch. It was surprisingly quiet, usually Error or I would've woken up to Palette crying or Jammy knocking on the door because he wanted breakfast.

It seemed they were exhausted too.

I gave Error a kiss before getting out of bed and getting ready for the day.

After all, it was my turn on breakfast duty! Well, me, Epic, and Outer to he exact. I waltzed downstairs and started frying up eggs as the other two came.

* Morning Ink and Epic!

* G'mornin :)

Outer placed Noir in his highchair and started helping Epic and I with meal prepping.

* Any plans for today?

* For once, yes. I'm helping Cross and Sci with a potential positivity serum that might help Dream. :)

Epic said, cutting fruit.

* Aww, lovely! By the way, you might nevermind.

* Sure? What's up?

I watched Outer whispered something to Epic and he immediately blushed. I couldn't help but laugh.

* Too loud last night or something?

* I-INK!

* Pfft, they've been pretty wild lately.

* OUTER! You both are terrible!

We all had a laugh and continued getting breakfast ready.

Amelia's View:
I heard a knock on the door and turned around.

Sci opened the door and came to sit by me...

* C'mon Amelia, you gotta wake up so we can boost your energy with some breakfast.


* C'mon, then after breakfast we can cuddle all you want. ❤️

He gave me a kiss on my forehead. I sat up and stretched before forcing myself out of bed.

Ink's Past:

It was only 4am.

The night before, Ink's brother had made him train - yet again - for the crucial physical exam that would determine Ink's eligibility as the protector of the universe, tensions in their home were palpable.

Ink had spent the entire previous day in relentless training, pushing his body to its limits. As dawn approached, Ink lay on his bed, desperately seeking rest, only to be jolted awake by the commanding voice of his older brother.

* Ink, wake up. We've got more training to do.

His brother declared, devoid of any empathy. The room was dimly lit, the shadows amplifying the unease that permeated the air.

* But I t-trained for hours yesterday...I need s-some rest..

Ink pleaded, his voice barely audible.

* No rest for the weak. If you want to be the protector, you need to be ready for anything. Now get the fuck up!!

His brother barked, a harsh tone cutting through the stillness.

Reluctantly, Ink obeyed, dragging himself out of bed to face another grueling session. He got ready as fast as he could before going downstairs and was given breakfast.

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