Chapter 58 - The Voiceless

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Epic's View:
He showed us two pictures. As soon as I realised what it was, I covered Jammy's eyes immediately.

'PaperJam, if you don't want them to be hurt anymore, come to me. I know you can understand me.'

* He's mute, he uses sign language. Get out of here, the others will be here any moment now.

'I doubt that, I really do. PaperJam, the choice is yours. Do the right thing for your parents.'

* Jammy, don't move. It's fake.

'Oh, really?'

I watched him get a device out and he started to play an audio.


*Sounds of getting beaten up*

* E-Error..don't..I..-


Jammy hugged me. Blue had told me about what happened to Ink when Jam was just a baby...the way he screamed when Ink was finally set'll never leave Blue's mind.

* You're disgusting.

'PaperJam, if you want them to be okay, take my hand.'

Jammy looked at me and looked at him.

Jammy looked at me and looked at him

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*'s not real..

Where was Dust..?

'I can stop their pain. Come with me, now.'

I was about to hold Jam's hand and say something but I realised I couldn't move...nor speak.

I was being controlled-

'I'm sick of waiting.'

Jammy's View:
Epic let go of me.


He stood up and spawned a sharp bone.

'You know what choice you have to make.'

It was getting closer and closer to his chest. I went to him.

As long as it would save mama and papa...

We teleported into a room with toys, a bed, and a cot.

'You'll be safe here.'

I tugged on his shirt.

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