Part 40 - Did He Touch You?

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My heart racing, I didn't know what to do.

I was flat on the bathroom floor, white dress up at my hips and one heel off my foot.

They didn't turn around. They just stood their taking heavy breaths, like this is something they've been waiting for.

Scanning the room, the only option is a small window on the wall, pretty high up and i don't know if I could even get through the small square.

As they went to turn around, I dove up and jumped as high as I could, screaming as loud as I could over the thumping music. I wrenches myself up and pushed one arm out the window before I was yanked down by strong hands, and held tightly against their body.

I thrashed against them, swinging my arms and legs around, trying to grab onto something. Anything.

Oh, god. I don't know what to do.

They pulled and carried me to the centre of the bathroom, as they let me down on my collapsing feet. "Please, stop. Please let me go!" I screamed, begging for them to let me go.

They were gruffing in my ear, as one hand held me right at the waist to their front. Their other hand was roaming down and over my bare thighs.

I was going to be sick.

"Please! Stop! Please!" I was screaming, trying to reach something. Anything. "Rhea!!" I squealed, but it was useless.

They muffled my mouth with his palm, letting my waist go and I fell to a squat, trying to crawl away.

He grilled and pulled my ankles, flattening me out on the floor as he straddled my hips, planting himself roughly on my hips.

Kicking, using my arms I tried to reach him but I could.

No... he can't...

I was so scared.

"Don't- please- leave me-" my heart just sank when he ripped my dress up to my waist, revealing my panties only. "Please."

They mumbled something angrily behind me. I couldn't make it out but the voice was something familiar...

His fingers tugged at my waistband beginning to pull it down.

I was too weak. They were too big. It was... I couldn't do anything.

He pulled my panties down, lifting quicker than I could react as he pulled them off my feet. Then he disgustingly squeezed me.

Oh, god...

I can't let him do this.

I needed to find a way. But I can't.

At least, I had to see his face.

Trying to look back, he his face down and mostly avoiding my eye. I couldn't see him. I had no idea who this was, but they definitely knew me.

Using my elbow I sent it flying back into his stomach and he reeled over, I did it again, smacking him in the chin. He grunted and his hips weakened.

Using the opportunity, I crawled free from under him, reaching the door and unlocking it.

"Fucking-" the man cursed behind me.

I looked at him but he was holding his jaw and looking down.

I can't waste this. I can't risk seeing his face before getting away.

I yanked the door open, and sprinted away from
The bathroom. Down the hall, I ran until my knees were about ready to give up. I straightened my dress as I rounded the corner, smashing into a wall.

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