Part 166 - Kicking

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I'll tell you what, as happy as being nearly 4 months pregnant made me, I was not happy about going to the toilet so many times.

I come out of the bathroom and Rhea was right there where she said she was gonna be, waiting for me. "Hey." I smiled at her and she smiled back at me, grabbing my hand to walk us back to the gorilla where the show was starting soon.

She looked so pretty...

"Oh my god." I gasped and put my hands on my stomach at the feeling I just had.

"Flo?" Rhea never snapped quicker and never got in front of me quicker. She looked so damn worried, I felt bad.

I smiled. "No, no, Rhea... He kicked." I felt around my stomach, hoping he would do it again.

Rheas concerned face quickly turned to happy as she looked down and came closer, holding her hands softly on my stomach like me.

We both felt him kick at the same time.

I smiled at Rhea and she giggled and it was adorable. She was so focused on me and how he was kicking.

"You sure that doesn't hurt?" Rhea asked. "It feels like it would hurt."

I shook my head. "It doesn't hurt."


Yeah... I was soft, so what.

As much as Rhea says she doesn't like me, or she slaps me, or she insults me, I know she loves me. I love her, and I love Flo. They're so happy.

I had to actually hold back the tears that threatened to come out watching them across the room.

Rhea had her hands on Flos pregnant belly, feeling at- I assume he was kicking. She was the happiest I'd probably ever seen her.

Across the room, a woman's voice interrupted me and I couldn't but look

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Across the room, a woman's voice interrupted me and I couldn't but look. It was actually a woman's laughter Thad had me staring.

It was a woman I'd never seen before. Obviously new. Obviously from Spanish heritage too. She was being given a tour by a worker, and she looked to be new medical staff. She had a badge but I couldn't make out her name from here. Something beginning with... R.

"Rosa!" A deep and familiar voice called through the room. It was Braun Strowman, going over to the woman who must be Rosa.

I watched kind of weirdly as Braun met Rosa with a kiss on the cheek, and she... she flinched as he did it, must have being frightened suddenly.

I looked away because they were obviously a couple. I went back to my job, trying to ignore the fact that Rosa was the most beautiful woman I think I've ever seen in my life.


Out by the ring, Rhea had a match with Maxine, who was so sweet and she was doing so good for being so new. Rhea being there was such a big help for her and I knew she was exciting.

It was all going well until she rolled out of the ring pretending to regain herself. Chad and Otis are there supporting Maxine, and so was Dom and JD for Rhea.

I watched JD try to distract Maxinne, to which Otis dropped him. JD for angry and ran at Otis, and they brawled around the ring. Dom joining and attacking Chad too.

JD and Otis fought by the announce table and they were slowly making their way past me and back to retreating out of the ring.

On the way past, I scooted against the barricade to let them past, pretending to be frightened.

Otis punched at JD, and I don't know if he got too much contact or he just was being a bit dramatic, but JD nearly ran into me. He had to catch himself on my arms, apologising swiftly before continuing on.

I found my seat again, Intent on watching the ending of Rheas match, but she was focused on me, and what just happened.

Oh. She was no happy with that.

At all.

I didn't know how to tell her I was fine, and it was all fine. I smiled at her and she just looked down at a broke Maxine, huffing and trying to calm herself down.

Then she lied her body flat, taking her anger out on Maxine

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Then she lied her body flat, taking her anger out on Maxine. She yelled and insulted her, pushed at her... it was rude and not needed at all.

Eventually Rhea regained herself and finished the match, barely giving anyone a glance as she stomped backstage

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Eventually Rhea regained herself and finished the match, barely giving anyone a glance as she stomped backstage.

I lasted through the main event without peeing myself, and by the time I got backstage, I spotted Rhea screaming at JD, Dom and Damien basically holding her back from chucking him across the room.

I went over and stood in front of her. "Hey, hey." I said. Rhea looked at me and her eyes softened, but she went back to snapping at JD. I cleared my throat. "Hey, he's kicking again." I told her.

Rhea looked at me and her whole demeanour changed. She softly held my stomach and put all of her attention on me, and trying to feel him kick, which was a lie, but it had her calming down at least.

Enough where JD and the other guys walked away unscathed, and Rhea asked if we could leave because she knew I was probably hungry and uncomfortable in heels.

She was so attentive. So sweet.

Back home, she rubbed my feet and she rubbed my shoulders. She wanted to... she wanted to rub more but she knew I was tired. Instead she fed me far too much and she made sure I fell asleep before she did.

But I was pretending, because I wanted to make sure she went to sleep first.

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