Part 108 - *Halloween Special*

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"Rhea... You have to wear it. Please." I begged, and I gave her my new puppy dog eyes that she couldn't say no to.

Rhea huffed. "I hate it."

"But... you're me." I whispered, smiling. I admired down her body. At the very pretty flowery silk pyjamas I forced her in. Even fuzzy socks and slippers. She looked angelic. "And I'm you."

Rhea rolled her eyes as I turned around and admired my own self in the mirror. I had rheas boots on, tights, shorts and leather top. Even had black makeup on like she does. Everything was a bit loose on me, but, I made it work.

It may be a bit cringey, but I thought it was hilarious. We were both so different. Once Dom told us he was throwing a Halloween party, we had to go.

"You're actually really fucking sexy in a garter like that. I think I know what I'm getting you for your birthday next week." Rhea said, coming over and tucking my hair behind my ear.

Which made me remember. "Oh my god! The hair!" I raced away and stuck my head in the wardrobe, pulling out the black wig I got. I showed it to Rhea proudly.

"That's horrid. Just keep your hair." Rhea said, crossing her arms angrily. But I laughed. "And what's so funny now, Angel hm?"

I kept laughing. "You can't try and be scary and intimidating when you're dressed in flowery pajamas."

Rhea licked over her front teeth, raising her eyebrows a little in challenge. "I can show you exactly what I can still do in pajamas."

"I'm alright." I quickly walked away, leaving the room. I knew better than to stay. We would be late if she followed through with that.

"Hey Barry." I squat to pet Barry over the ear, who soon turned into both Barry and Luna getting rubs. I couldn't resist them.

Then I was pulled up by my arms and my front was pressed against the wall. I smiled because I knew it was Rhea who was pressed against my back. Mouth by my ear. "You can't bend over like that in these shorts and that garter..." she whispered. "Don't let me catch you doing that again." She threatened.

I giggled. "You bend over like this all the time. In these shorts and with the garter." I pointed out.

Rhea pressed her hips against me, pressing me harder into the wall. "Is someone jealous?"

I laughed. "No, because I also check you out in the ring." I'd been back at work for a few weeks and it was so much fun. I was enjoying myself so much, out there, seeing everyone and seeing Rhea all the time. Wrestling and in her tight little clothes.

"Mmm. I know." Rhea whispered. "I'm not as casual as you, Flo. I see someone from the crowd looking at you a little strangely and I can't control myself. You make me crazy, Angel."

"As your fiancé should." I turned around, Rhea letting me turn around to face her. I wrapped my arms around her neck and she found my waist. "Remember when you choked me the first time and you thought I was scared. I'd never be here and about to marry you if I didn't push. You should really be thanking me." I smiled at her sweetly.

"I have a lot of things I need to be thankful for." Rhea looked down my body. "You know I'm spending the rest of my life to make it up to you." Rhea ran her hands down my stomach lovingly. "I deserve you... I've realised that. I deserve every fucking thing you want to give me. Because no one else could give you what I do."

I smiled. "I know that."

Rhea smirked. "Now at least get a jacket before I force some long pants on you." Rhea pushed me softly away and towards the bedroom.

I complied and took one of her vests and putting it on. It wasn't what she meant but... I was feeling bratty this Halloween.

Rhea tilted her head at me when she saw me, standing by the door. "That's not what-"

"But it makes me happy." I pouted at her.

"Hmmm." Rhea hummed. "Then it makes me happy." She kissed me on the lips. "I just need to keep an eye on every single person around us."

I tilted my head. "Nothing I say will change that will it?" Rhea shook her head. I kissed her on the cheek and she helped me out and into the car.

I had recovered nearly completely. I just had the faintest bit of fatigue every now and then, which I knew to always tell Rhea or she'd throw a fit. She'd stop everything she was doing to care for me, give me water and shoulder to rest on. Or a lap. Or a hand...


On the way to Dominiks we stopped at an alcohol shop, because we had to bring our own. Rhea wanted to bring nothing, because she wanted to leave, but I wanted to drink so she made sure to take me.

Looking at the endless bottles of wine and some sweet drinks. I squat down to get a better look at this sweet pink looking drink.

"Fucking stand up." Rhea snapped, pulling me up harshly by the arm. I felt her press her body against my back. "Every man in the building is gawking at you in those shorts."

I looked around and there were some men around but I didn't see them looking. "They're your shorts, remember." I reminded her.

"Yeah, and I don't like you wearing them." Rhea said.

I pushed her off and picked the sweet pink drinks up, giving them to Rhea who paid for them and carried them back out to the car.

We were about 5 minutes away when Rhea held my hand and toyed with my finger and the beautiful ring she gave me sitting on there. I looked down at it. "I love you." I told her.

Rhea smiled and looked at me. "I love you."

"We're getting married soon, right?" I asked.

Rhea gave me a small look and smiled so genuinely. "Sooner rather than later. I already consider you my wife, Angel. I did long before I even asked you. I'm surprised you didn't figure that out."

"You're the love of my life." I said sweetly. "More than my wife. My soulmate."

Rhea laughed. "You're cliche, but you're allowed to be."

I interlocked our hands, as we pulled into Dominiks drive, eager to have a good night with eachother, and our friends.

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