Part 175 - A Blessing

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"Hey, look at me, angel. Look at me." Rhea forced me to look at her, distracting me from the needle that was about to be put into my back.

Looking into her eyes... I was glad she had the confidence for me. Because I had none.


I closed my eyes as contractions began, starting deeply in my stomach. "Rhea." I groaned and squeezed her hands.

"Baby, I'm right here. Im right here." She came closer and squeezed my hands. "You got this, ok? Im so fucking proud of you."

The oxygen mask between us made me nearly cry. My heart was racing.

When the pressed the needle in my back, I whimpered and rheas face fell as she looked at me. "I'm so sorry, Angel. I wish I could do this for you. I wish it was me." And the weakness in her voice made me rethink what she told me when I was shot.

How she felt. That she wanted to be in my position. "You're gonna be alright, ok? You got this, baby. You got this, alright?" She shuffled as close as she could, holding me anywhere she could. She suddenly snapped her head at my midwife who was coming to sit between my legs, pushing them open. "What now? She pushes? Can you fucking tell us what you're doing." Rhea snapped at them and I loved her for that.

Through my groans, I looked between them.

I swear they very much disliked eachother. Maybe hated. Despised?

"Once this contraction settles, we let the pain relief kick in, and the next contraction she pushes. We get your baby boy out." She reached for something that looked very much like scissors. My contraction settled and I stared at her with tired eyes. "This is an assisted delivery, Florence. He's not fully ready to come out, so I'll help you with small incisions and clamps, alright? Get ready." She looked at Rhea. "You wanna look?"

I looked to Rhea who squinted like she was offended. "Look at what? Look at you cut my wife's fucking vagina open? Fuck no, I'm staying here." She looked at me.

I touched the side of her head, catching my breath, the oxygen barely helping.

They checked on our boy and his heart rate was still low, which scared me so much.

Waiting for this contraction was terrible. The longer it took to come, the more anxiety I had.

"This contraction will feel different." I was told. "More just pressure rather than pain. If we can't get him out in 3 big pushes, Florence, then we need to decide on other-"

"Other options?" Rhea glared at her. "What does that mean?"

My stomach coiled.

My midwife cleared her throat. "A c-section."

I closed my eyes because I definitely didn't want to do that. "Hey." Rhea got my attention and I opened my eyes, she looked worried. "It doesn't matter how he needs to come out, ok? You can do anything, baby, and I'm going to be right beside you through it, yeah?" Rhea looked back to the midwife. "Check on him again." She ordered the health professional very much in charge of my life and our boys life.

But the midwife did, listening in for his heart rate.

I could slowly feel the contraction starting, and it took me a minute to even speak up about it, I was throwing off this part.

"Push, Florence." My midwife told me.

And I pushed so hard, squeezing rheas hands until they turned white.

"Good job, baby." Rhea was saying by my ear.

Hearing her voice was helping. Helping me push for longer. Harder. I didn't even know what she was telling me, but just hearing her voice was enough.

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