Part 93 - Convince Me

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The next day, I was backstage chatting with Becky while Rhea got ready for the show just across the room. She was rehearsing lines with the guys as they had a segment tonight together.

"Hey guys." Liam joined us, sitting beside me.

"Hey, Liam." Becky greeted him. Followed by me and we got into chatting about the show and how I've been healing. I was excited to tell them about the holiday I was going on. I brought up my brother, Ryan once and Liam gave me a look.

"You have a brother?" He asked.

I hated telling people this. Eh, hated it. "He died a while ago." I said. "But don't be sad, please. It's alright." I touched his softly on the forearm for emphasis and he nodded thanks.

"What did Ryan do?" Liam asked.

"He was a vet, worked here in the city." I answered.

Liam started to think to himself. "Ryan..."

I raised my eyebrows. "You knew him?"

"I... The main vet in the city?" He asked.


Liam scratched his head. "What's your last name sorry? I think I've forgot."

"Miller." I answered. "So Ryan Miller."

Liam's eyes brightened. "Holy shit! That's right, Mills. We went to college together."


"Yeah." Liam smacked his knee in joy. "We had biology together and often saw him on weekends and stuff. Far out, Flo. He was one of the nicest guys I've ever met."

I smiled. "Thank you, I know he is. You two fell out or something? I don't remember him talking about a Liam."

Liam shook his head. "Oh, no. You know how people just grow apart. I moved for further schooling and he went to work." He shrugged. "Wow, I can't believe this."

I grinned. "It's pretty-"

"Flo." Rhea interrupted me, grabbing my arm and pulling me up, dragging me across the room.

"Rhea." I whispered. "What are you doing?" I gasped when I really looked at her. "Oh wow, your hair looks amazing."

I could basically feel her roll her eyes as she pulled me down a hallway.

She was fully dressed in black pants and a shirt, all her makeup and newly cut hair done. She looked great.

Rhea knocked on a door and listened for anyone to answer inside. They didn't and she stormed in, pulling me in and slamming the door shut.

I didn't have long to take in the closet we were in because Rhea grabbed my neck and pushed me flat against the door. "You don't make a fucking sound. You hear me?" Rhea whispered just next to my face.

I nodded quickly as Rhea unbuttoned my pants and put her hand down them, running her hand through me. "Fuck, so wet. Is that for me or that fucking medic back there hm?" Rhea stared at me face, starting to rub my clitoris with two fingers.

Oh my god. "For you." I whispered my reply, mouth opening on its own accord.

"Hmmm, I don't know if I believe you. You'll have to convince me... " Rhea black lips were so close to mine, but she wasn't kissing me. I lent in to kiss her but she pulled back. "I don't like you around men anymore, Florence. So stop being so fucking friendly to them." Rhea kept rubbing tortuous circles on my clit. "Convince me, baby..."

I moaned quietly, my back arching against the door. "I um..." I couldn't focus on anything but that feeling growing between my legs and how dominating she felt in all her gear and in makeup. "H-how?"

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