Part 178 - Territorial

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Rhea had so much media. I wasn't even doing it, just following along and I was exhausted. Just watching her, I was so proud of her and everything she was doing.

She was currently in an interview with... I don't know anymore, someone. I was watching across the room, while I waited for her mum and sister to get here with Ryan. Her mum basically snatched him from us as soon as we got here, and we missed the hell out of him.

Finally seeing them come into the room, Rhea noticed of course and faintly smiled but continued on with the interview.

Ryan's grin grew and his face lit up as I took him from rheas sisters arms and brought him into a big and happy hug. He giggled by my ear and I just wanted to cry.

After chatting with her family, Rhea joined us and took our soon from me this time, hugging him with the warmest and biggest grin on his face. He looked so happy to be the son of Rhea Ripley.

Until he spewed. All down the front of Rheas beautiful black dress, the dragons now covered in milky vomit...

Rhea was staring at Ryan in her arms and Ryan was looking at her back, vomit on his chin.

I held back my laughs as Rhea shook her head playfully at him. "You're so lucky I don't have any more interviews today." And she pulled him tight against her body, using some material from her dress, pinching it to wipe the milk off his chin.

The sweetest...

Later on, it was hectic at the arena, with everyone getting ready for elimination chamber.

I'd lost Rhea. I didn't mean to, I was following her. But Ryan needed to be changed, and then when I tried to come back, she wasn't there. So I was sat in some corner, had just passed off Ryan to Damien, who was somewhere around here. I would have kept him, but he kept vomiting and I just didn't want to have to change for the 2nd time today...

There was still like 3 hours until the show starts, but Jesus it was so busy here...

"Where the hell have you been?" Rheas voice suddenly cut through the air and I looked at her coming over. In casual clothes still. Her makeup was all done though, and it looked so cool.

"I lost you." I told her.

Rheas eyes squinted. "Where's Ryan?" She said it annoyed.

She'd been a bit snappy with me ever since last night...

"I gave him to Damien for a bit." I told her.

"And where's he?" She asked, crossing her arms worriedly. I just shrugged, even though I knew exactly where Ryan was right now.

I watched as Rhea huffed in annoyance, and I watched harder with a grin as she found Damien. Who didn't have Ryan. Who had passed him to Finn, who Rhea found next.

Rhea found out Finn gave Ryan to Becky, and Rhea didn't like that... even though they literally have their own child too.

Once Rhea found Becky, she told her she gave him to Seth.

And my god, once Rhea found Seth, and he told her he gave him back to me...

I watched her stomp across the room back to me. "So... after all that, you've put him somewhere? Where is he?"

I shrugged playfully.

Rhea came closer and stood in front of me. "Don't make me have to bend my wife over and spank her in front of everyone back here." She threatened.

I just smiled. "Ryan's with Dom." And I nodded to the right where I can just see Dom playing with Ryan happily.

Rheas face fell. "To Dom?" She grumbled it and she stomped over. "You're banned from holding him." Rhea told a very upset Dom as she swooped Ryan in her arms, walking back over.

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