Part 64 - Pent Up

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Damien and Dom saw Rhea coming and the angry look on her face and they really quickly left Trevor and I.

I looked back to Trevor had had this bored look on his face.

When I turned back around, Rhea was close and ignored me, pressing her front into Trevor's shoulder. "Are you fucking joking? Bringing her here? Are you fucking asking for me to-"

"Rhea." I grabbed her arm, forcing her to back up from Trevor. Who was standing there with a look like he was expecting this. Rhea snapped to look at me. "It's fine-"

"No it's fucking not. You, need to be home." Then she turned back to Trevor. "And you, should think fucking twice before lying to me-"

"Rhea!" I said a bit louder, getting her to stop and look back to me. "I lied to you too. It was my idea to come here. I wanted to surprise you.

"Well, what a fucking surprise." She snapped, pulling from my hold and shouldering last Trevor and walking away.

Oh, so she was angry angry.

"You okay? At least she didn't punch me." Trevor asked softly.

I mean, I guess so.

"Is she gonna be alright? I can go and try talk to her."

Trevor began but I shook my head. "Definitely don't try and talk to her. I'll go find her."

I started to walk away, but Trevor put a hand on my shoulder. "Let me know if you need me" he whispered, intense eyes like he means it.

I nodded, but I was really a bit puzzled with the way he has been acting today. He brought up the idea of putting a bit of distance between us, but then he comforts me... and now, it doesn't seem like he's being very accepting of Rhea.

I followed the way Rhea went, and It seemed to be towards a hall of dressing rooms. I slowly walked up the hall, looking in the open rooms but couldn't find her.

At the end of the hall was just a door labelled stairs.

I opened the door and found a pretty sketchy stairwell. Metal green steps and bleak concrete walls. The building had about 3 levels, up and down.

I looked down between the railings, and could see a part of Rhea a couple flights down, sitting on a step.

I began slowly and gently stepping down the flights of stairs, holding onto the railings tightly.

I was a flight of stairs above her when Rhea heard me and looked up, her eyes widening and she huffed. "Fucking hell, Flo. Stay right there." She got up and started jumping up the steps, three at a time, all the to me, stopping me in my step.

She was the step beneath me, and so I was a tiny bit taller than her. She put her hand on my waist. "Sit down. You shouldn't be moving this much." She said softly, and squatting down, bringing me with her until I was sat on a step.

She was on her knees just a couple steps beneath me. She put her hand on my knee, she seemed to have settled down a little.

Rhea looked down and I took the chance to whisper to her. "I just wanted to surprise you."

"I know." She said, hand squeezing my knee, but she still didn't look at me. "But, Flo you can't be here. You can't travel, and walk for this long. You need to rest."

"I feel fine, Rhea. I've been careful and Trevor has made sure of that." I said.

Rhea let out this angry laugh and looked at me. "What? Made sure of that by nearly crashing the fucking car?" Her eyes were deep and furious. "Did he hurt you?"

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