Part 162 - Wedding (part 1)

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To say the last 2 weeks was a mess would be an understatement. Our wedding was postponed due to storms...

Oh, you should have seen how angry Rhea was to the planners.

I was really upset too, yet, thankful when I actually witnessed the storm. It was absolutely terrible. It would have ruined everything, and we were both thankful in the end it had to be postponed.

So it was 2 weeks later... the morning of our wedding and I basically shoved Rhea out of the door, claiming she can't see me until later. Which she did not like... But she complied. I think I could get her to do anything I wanted today.


Florence: Can you come here please?

I didn't have to look at the message for long before I snuck out of the room I apparently had to stay in until the ceremony... I wanted to be with her and in her hotel room until it was time, but she insisted we stay seperate.

I knew her the best though, I knew she'd be nervous or worry, and I was basically waiting for her to text me something like this.

Opening the door I just didn't expect for her to be in the bathroom, with her head in the toilet bowl. White dress and all...

"Baby?" My heart shattered as I fell to my knees behind her, rubbing at her hair, holding it back. "Hey, Flo? What's wrong? Talk to me." Suddenly I didn't care about the wedding. I didn't care about the vows I wrote. I didn't care about anything. The people waiting... I wanted her happy. I needed her healthy.

"Flo? Please."

Flo wiped at her mouth with toilet paper and sat back to look at me with red eyes.

She'd been crying?

I glanced out the window to the night and the beach below.

We were an hour away from the ceremony... what is she so upset about? That would be making her sick and crying like this. This wasn't just some anxiety.

"Angel? I'm starting to be really scared." I confessed and held her cheeks.

Flo sniffled. "Rhea..." her voice broke as she looked down.

No. No. I grabbed her cheeks and made her look at me, and she rose to her knees like me. She forced my hands off her to reach down and... "Rhea." She repeated.

I looked down and...

Holy. Fuck.


What started off as a stomach ache turned really badly really quickly. Enough to make have to lay over the toilet bowl... ruining my makeup in the process.

Which got redone.

And I'd destroyed it again, when I was sick again.

I ended up messaging Dom, hoping he would keep it to himself, asking him for a favour...

Which had me throwing up again.

I watched Rheas face turn from sadness to shock to fucking disbelief. "Flo." Is all she said, still in disbelief.

I was too.

I brought the pregnancy test closer. "You're pregnant?"

All I could do was nod and hold my tears back.

"Holy shit, Flo!" Rhea pulled me into the deepest hug, so tight and so... so loving. I held her back. "Are you sure?" She pulled back and grabbed the test, looking at it closer. She saw it was positive and put it down, mouth parted and staring at me, eyes dripping down my body. Her eyes started to gloss over.

"I know." I beat her to it and took her in another hug, which she gave back nearly even more deeply. I cried against her chest, and she sniffed in my neck. Sniffles turning into cries, but I adored the sound. Knowing why they were there.

I was pregnant.

It worked and it worked so quickly...

"God, Flo... baby." Rhea whispered, voice breaking. "Angel... oh my god." Rhea lent her forehead against mine. "I know you wanted to do vows out there... But I wanna say mine right now." She whispered.

I didn't say anything, just nodded and let her go. I wouldn't say no.

Rhea cleared her throat and wiped away some of her tears, but more just replaced them. So she ignored them, looking at my face. "I know this isn't probably what we thought the day would look like." She wiped at her chin. "I didn't think I'd be telling you my vows on the hotel room floor, beside the toilet, but I don't care. There's a whole lot I don't care about right now, baby. It's just you. You're my entire fucking life. You're everything I need, and everything I'm going to make sure the world needs. I've told you before, baby. Your light. Your peace. Your kind. You're going to be... I can't even describe how amazing of a wife you're going to be. A mother-" her voice cracked and I held her hands. "You're the mother of my fucking child, angel. Anything happens to you, it happens to me. Consider yourself completely under my fucking protection now." She cleared her throat. "Forever, Flo. I'm going to keep you safe... and I know that's something I have failed at before, but... You mean so much to me and I can promise now, so confidently and so assuringly that you're going to be safe with me."

I held back the monstrous tears I had to listen to her.

"Remember when I said I couldn't be a girlfriend? That I was scared? I'm not scared anymore... I'm not scared of being your wife. I'm not scared of being a mother. Because I can do this all with you. I can do anything with you, baby." She pushed my hair back and tucked it behind my cheek. "You look so gorgeous, Flo. Your dress is so fucking-"

"Listen." I cut her off, threading her fingers through mine, and she squeezed. I don't know who did it, but our hands automatically just came to rest on my stomach. "I love you."'I told her. "I love you... You're- Youre perfect. I don't even have good words right now because... because I'm just so shocked. But I'm happy. I know I'm so happy because of you. Where we started and to where we are now. If someone said you'd become my wife and the mother of my child a year and a half ago... I would have not believed that. I would have laughed. I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud I can be here for you. I'm just-"

"I love you." Rhea finished for me, and I could see she was bursting for a hug again. "You don't need to keep going, baby. I know it's hard. I know how you feel. I do. I feel it everyday. I feel the love and I feel the adoration."

"I love you." I hugged her deeply.

I don't think we've ever held eachother so strongly and for so long.

I didn't want to let her go, and she didn't want to let me go. For so long I thought we missed out of the ceremony and getting married part entirely, but we didn't. "Baby girl you're so pretty." Rhea pulled back and touched down my dress. "You're such a pretty girl tonight... Jesus. You're so fucking sexy right now." Her hands roamed down my neck.

I had to stop Rhea from jumping me in the hotel room... I could already see this pregnancy thing was going to be a major turn on for her...

The night was already as good as it can be, and it was only going to get better.

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