Part 144 - Murder Itself

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The next day was spent all day travelling across the country for Raw.

Rhea and I hadn't spoke much at all to anyone or to eachother. We were stuck, trying to find a way out of the situation Isaac has us in. But we had nothing. We had nothing on the guy to use against him.

We ended up telling Damien, who was huffing angry, and we had to calm him down before we walked inside the stadium. When I was sure he were ok, I turned to Rhea and held onto her arm on the way inside. I didn't need her snapping as soon as she saw him and attacking him.

But when we saw Isaac backstage, Rhea was calm. Well, as calm as she could be. still glaring and still twitching beside me. I calmed her down as much as I could with my hands, holding her and telling her to stay with me. Which she did.

In our dressing room, we were getting ready when Rhea turned to speak to me. "Fastlane is coming up." She said. I nodded because I could tell she had more to say. "And then it's Crown Jewel in Saudi... Flo, I don't want you there."

My face fell. "W-what?"

"Last time you were there, Angel... you were shot and I can't- I can't have that in my head. I want you to stay here. They'll understand and get someone to replaced you." Rhea explained.

I got up and made my way between her legs, wrapping my arms around her. She was really unsteady, her voice was shaky. "Ok, I'll stay." I said, even though I didn't want to. But I wanted the best for her, and she wouldn't focus on performing well if she was worrying about me. "I promise I'll stay here."

"Thank you." She whispered and hugged me back tightly. "I've also gotten you this weekends live shows off in Mexico."

"What?" I pulled back. "Why?"

"I don't want you around Isaac." Rhea said firmly. "I told them you passed out a few times the other day and it would be nice if you could have some rest, which they understand also."

"I'm ok, though." I told her. "It's like 4 days..."

"I know." Rhea nodded sadly and rubbed my sides gently. "But I'm serious, Flo... I don't want you near him."

I nodded. I wanted to come with her, but I didn't want to upset her again. "They really give me time off whenever I need it don't they?" I giggled a little.

"You did get shot and didn't sue them so... I'd say you can do anything, baby." Rhea smiled up at me. "Another thing." She said.

Another thing?

"Yeah?" I waited for her to keep going.

Rhea grabbed my hands softly. "I booked and paid the deposit to the venue officially this morning. I'm marrying you in 2 months, baby."

I smiled and hugged her tightly. I couldn't wait to marry this woman. "Thank you." I whispered and I kissed her forehead.

Rhea hummed when I did that. "Once more?"

So I kissed her softly again on her forehead.

As I did, Dom came in and started to awe. "Why aren't I allowed to kiss you, Rhea?"

Rhea rolled her eyes and I laughed. "Anyway." Dom continued. "I need you for a sec, management need us." Dom said to Rhea.

Rhea huffed and she got up, tucking my hair behind my ear. "I'll be back, angel. Don't leave the room." She said, and she followed Dom.

I sat in her seat and kept going with my makeup. Making sure it was blended ok, and then using my lipstick perfectly. My phone vibrated.

Bottom 💗: Sorry, angel. This is taking longer than expected.

She didn't have to apologise.

Florence: It's ok, take as much time as you need x

I let Rhea alone for her meeting and started on my hair. Straightened it flat. When I was done, I unplugged it an sat it aside.

The door behind me opened suddenly. Then closed. I looked through the mirror, expecting my fiancé was it was Isaac with a little devilish smile. "Hello, Flo. I thought I'd catch you while Rhea was away." He said professionally.

"Why?" I said, turning around and looking at him. Not getting up from my seat, he didn't deserve that.

He shrugged a little, like he was innocent and didn't threaten me. "Just to see how things are-"

"I don't want to talk to you, Isaac. Please, leave me and Rhea alone. We won't even speak to you." I said, hoping he would throw it all under the bus and squash it.

"Ah, but I want to talk to you." Isaac said. "Come here."

"No." I said.

Isaac huffed and pulled his phone out, turning it around to show me the screen. The video of Rhea and I. He clicked a few buttons, which popped up and all he had to do was press 'share' and it could post on Twitter. "Don't..." I whispered and carefully stood up, taking slow steps to him. "This is plenty close." I said.

Isaac smiled with a cheek. "Now get on your knees and look at me."

My stomach coiled. He wasn't going to... "I'm not doing that." I said weakly.

Isaac tilted his head. "You have the wrong idea... I don't want you to touch me, lesbian." He snapped it. And showed me his phone again, reminding me all he has to do was press a button and he'd share the video. "Get on your knees." He repeated.

I thought I could be sick as I got to my knees in front of him and looked down.

"I said look at me." He said.

I snapped my head up to him, not giving him any emotion to play off. Giving him nothing.

Isaac smiled. "My goal, is to make you cry."

He was sick. He was pure sick. Disgusting. The worst human I have ever met.

My eyes did gloss over, and my cheeks stung. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. But it can't help it.

Isaac kept going and rubbed menacingly over my hair. It was disgusting. "Now, where to start. When I insult-"

The door opened and a voice came through softly. "Sorry, angel... that took-" Rheas face dropped as she took in what was happening.

Me on my knees in front of Isaac. His gross hand in my hair. The tears that just spilt over my cheeks.

Rhea's face was like murder itself.

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