Part 129 - Leg Day

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Trevor: You free to give me a call?

I was staring at the message Trevor just sent me. Wondering why he wanted me to call him.

Rhea was unpacking our stuff and I was sitting on the bed, watching her sadly when I got this

"What's the matter?" Rhea asked me, snapping my attention from my phone to her.

I cleared my throat. "Trevor just asked if I could call him." I clicked his name.

"What does he want now?" Rhea snapped at me, which was extremely uncalled for.

"That was very snappy." I pointed out.

The shrugged. "It's Trevor. You're lucky you're even going to that wedding."

"I do what I want." I said with a smile.

Rheas has clicked as she looked at me, then she shook her head. "You're only making this worse for yourself, I hope you know that."

I was very aware of that.

"I'll see what he needs." I said and pressed the call button.

Rhea stood up and crossed her arms, wanting to listen. "Put it on speaker." She whispered, ordering me.

I tilted my head at her. It rang a few times before his voice came through. "Hey, how's it going?" He said casually.

"Good, how are you?" I replied.

Rhea rolled her eyes, probably deciding I was being too nice to him.

"Yeah I'm good, just booking all these plane trips for the next month." He laughed. "But I just wanted to tell you that Montana has a few requirements at the wedding."

"Oh." I whispered. "What sort of requirements."

"They're on the invite. So you have to wear black-"

"That's done." I said. "What else is on there?"

Trevor continued. "Well, that's is. But Montana asked if you could bring Rhea. She wants to meet her."

I made eye contact with Rhea who put her hands out because she couldn't hear.

How in the world would I get her to come. Actually, this could be very easy. "She'll be there." I told Trevor. "Is someone a WWE fan or?"

"Yes." Trevor said. "Her groom is a very big fan. She's tried to get me to bring Seth because that's his favourite but, unfortunately the father and husband is busy." He laughed. "But that's great, I'll let her know, they're gonna be so excited."

"I can't promise the mood she's gonna be in, but I'll try my best." I laughed.

"Thanks, Flo. Alright, I'll see you around." He said goodbye and so did I, hanging the phone up.

Rhea stared at me. "What was that?"

I gave her my nicest smile. "You're coming to Montana's wedding with me now."

Rhea squinted at me. "Why?..." she said confused.

"Her groom is a big fan." I told her.

Rhea gave me a look of judgement. "Of me?"

I shrugged. "Everything WWE."

Rhea let out a breath. "I don't really want to go to anything involving Trevor's family."

I tilted my head. "But you get to wear black." Rhea shrugged. "You get to spend the night with me instead of me spending it with Trev-"

"Fine." Rhea said, giving in. "But I'm still choosing what you're wearing." And she went back to packing.

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