Part 137 - Coming For You

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I didn't have to open my eyes to know the room was spinning. Still.

My head was pounding and I think I could be sick. My stomach was curling and churning.

I moved a little, hardly, because there was a large and heavy arm draped over the top of me, basically flattening me to the bed. I blinked open and saw the lines of Rheas forearm tattoos.

I wanted to just stay here with her but my stomach was... I was going to be sick 100%

I got up as quickly as I could and stumbled my way to the bathroom, running into the door because this was a hotel and I didn't know it was pull instead of push, and then falling to my knees by the toilet. Hurling into it.

I hated myself right now... It was all Doms fault.

Breathing some air into my lungs, I closed my eyes and tried to regain myself. It helped when Rhea came into view, nearly naked in her panties and a small cropped top. She sat beside me and brushed my hair back, giving me a soft smile. A caring one that I didn't deserve.

I relaxed onto my backside and closed my eyes, feeling a bit better but I was so thirsty. So uncomfortable still in my dress.

"Are you ok? Want some water?" Rhea asked.

I nodded and she quickly got up, and a few seconds later came in with a glass of water, and a few pills.

I basically inhaled the water with the pills. "Alright, slow down, you'll make yourself sick again." Rhea took my glass away and sat it on the bench.

I touched my chin and then... my nose was aching. I touched it and felt this small stud on my nostril.


I looked to Rhea and she just raised her eyebrow like she wasn't impressed. "What the... why did..." I looked down in disappointment.

"I found you about to get a fucking tattoo with Dom." Rhea snapped. "Not to mention about to pull your dress up to show him and everyone in the room your ass."

My mouth opened and little and I closed it. I ran away from her? I hardly could remember anything. I nearly got a tattoo. "Can I take it out?" I asked Rhea softly.

She nodded gently. "It'll hurt. Let me do it soon."

"Sorry." I flushed the toilet, realising I forgot to. That was gross... "Sorry."

Rhea was obviously angry, but wanted to make sure I felt ok.

"I'm really sorry. In my defence, Dom is the catalyst every time." I explained.

But Rhea rolled her eyes. "You can't leave like that... Flo. I've told you, I hate when you leave me. I've lost you before..." Rheas voice broke and it cracked my heart. "I've lost you before and you've nearly fucking died, baby."

I reached for her hand, wanting to support her. "You're right, I'm so so sorry. I- I don't know what I was thinking. I was being really horrible and selfish and-"

"Don't speak about yourself like that." Rhea snapped at me.

I cleared my throat. "I was. I know what happened last time, and I was so stupid for doing that again, and making you feel bad. I'm really sorry."

"I know." Rhea whispered her reply. "It was a really fucking dumb thing to do, and Doms lucky that he's still-"

"Rhea." I cut her off. "Don't hurt Dom. It my fault as much as it is his. I never have- I've never really drank like that before, but I feel so safe to because I now you're there."

"But you left me." Rhea replied.

I nodded. "We knew you'd find us, it was just a matter of when."

"So it was a game?" Rhea crossed her arms.

I shook my head. "More like bratty behaviour."

Rheas annoyed mouth slowly curved into a small smirk. "Payback is this weekend, Flo. I hope you know that I will also be getting payback."

My face fell a little, trying to imagine what she meant.

"Now let me take this fucking stud out." Rhea shuffled closer and slowly and carefully examined my nose to take the stud out.

A bit later, Rhea was listening to some music in the aero plane seat beside me. Hand around my shoulders and she told me to sleep. But I felt better, and now I couldn't sleep. I held her hand, pretending to sleep but I was just looking at her engagement ring.

"Hey..." Rhea whispered and she slinked her headphone off her head. "Flo? I know you're awake."

Damn. I sat up a bit to look at her. "Are you ok?"

"Fine." She brushed it off. "Are you still feeling sick?"

I shrugged. "I'm pretty fine now, the water and food as helped a lot."

"Good." She replied. "Don't you have to use the bathroom?"

What? "No, what- what do you mean?" I smiled a little, confused.

Rheas eyes looked to my lips and then back up. "I mean... Flo. Get your ass to the bathroom so I can fuck it."

My stomach coiled again, not in sickness but in nerves.

"Get." Rhea ordered simply and let my shoulders go.

Slowly and gently I got up and walked to the bathroom on weak knees. It was a minute of waiting in the small cubicle before a soft knock came on the other side.

I cracked the door open and Rhea barged her way in, grabbing me by the throat and using my body to shut the door. She hovered her lips over mine with an angry look. "I have so much to get out of me... so much anger and- and punishment." Her face got closer and her hand relaxed on my throat. "But I don't want to hurt you as badly anymore... I want to give you five fucking orgasms and then some. I want to give my fiancé pleasure."

"When you hurt me, it is pleasure." I replied softly.

"Are you asking me to be harsh with you?"

I nodded gently.

Rhea chuckled and looked down. "Payback, angel. You have no idea what's coming for you."

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