Part 170 - Hungry (part 1)

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Rhea lied to me.

And I was so upset.

We got back to the hotel, and I was so quickly with it, barely saying anything. She lied. She had a shower, claiming she'd be with me after. By then I knew something was off, because she didn't make me join her.

When she got out, I was nearly naked on the bed and she ignored me, falling asleep.


Stupid wife liar.

Alright, I was being a little dramatic, but I was nearly bursting and I just wanted to attention and love from my wife...

I was beginning to grow insecure, thinking she didn't want to touch me. I know I looked different and sex would be difference. She likes it usually rough, and she couldn't do that with me.

So anyway, Rhea was asleep at 8:45pm, and I was wide awake. Finding the keycard to the room, I slowly snuck out, making sure to shut the door loudly so she'd wake up. Then I nearly ran to the elevator, going downstairs.

She wanted to tease me and make me sweat, two can play that game. One happens to be really good at it.

I know she'd already be coming for me someway, so I was so quick leaving the hotel and going next door, in a small restaurant that Dom and JD were in, having a beer and cheap meal to end the night.

I found them and they welcomed me into their table. "Hey! Where's Rhea? You walked here yourself?" JD asked.

I shrugged.

Dom piped in. "Yeah, she would definitely not let you do that. It's just next door but... you didn't sneak here did you?" Dom grew worried. "She's gonna kill me. She's gonna kill us." He looked to JD who's eyes widened.

"She won't kill you. I don't even know if she knows this place." I looked around.

Dom looked very scared, and very cautious, like Rhea could grab him at any moment. Jd sipped on his beer, obviously feeling uncomfortable. "Guys... stop, she won't kill you. Dom, she would have killed you by now."

"The only reason she hasn't is because you'd be upset if I died. She doesn't care about me." Dom said.

I knew that, but I didn't nod my head I just huffed. "Can I eat? I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry." Dom pointed out.

JD spoke up. "She's growing a human, Dom. I'll go get you something."

Dom rolled his eyes. "You're just hoping when Rhea comes back, she won't be the most angry at you because you fed her."

JD still stood up, leaning down quickly. "No, I'm just running." And he jogs off, and I wondered what.

Dom groaned as he was slapped up the back of the head. By my very upset wife. Who was coming around to me, and bent down to stare at me. "Florence." She grumbled deep, jaw twitching and eyes deepening. "Come with me. Right. Now."

She was so angry, trying to hold herself together for the sake of the people in here. Which was different, meaning, she was that angry.

"I'm..." I looked at her. "Hungry." I finished, not breaking from her eyes so she knew I meant something completely different, and she knew that.

Rhea swallowed annoyed and closed her eyes. "No matter how hungry you are now, you're not eating." She told me. "Not now."

"Would I ever anyway? I'm starving." I tell her, basically begging her with my horny eyes.

Rhea raised her eyebrows. "You're hungry. I'm hungry too, believe it or not, Angel. But, I'm not eating. You're not eating. Your coming with me." She grabbed my hand.

I pulled it back. "Rhea."

"Florence..." she glared at me.

I avoided her eyes and looked at Dom. "Dom..."

He widened his eyes. "What? I'm not apart of this." He said innocently. 

Rhea rolled her eyes. "I have something for you in the morning, Florence. Something you have to get back to the room and sleep to find out what it is. Now, get up."

I squinted at her. "What is it."

"Something to appease your hunger." She leaned in to my ear, making me only hear her. "Since you wanna run away from me, huh? Be a little brat, like usual. I'll overfeed you, then." She leaned back. "Get up."

I don't really know what she means but I was sort of curious so I got up, slowly saying goodbye to Dom.

Outside the restaurant and on the walk back, Rhea had my wrist so tightly, and she didn't say anything the whole way.

Until we got to the room and she slammed the door, making me jump a little. "It's not a fucking joke, Florence." She snapped and came over, making me slowly sit on the edge of the bed. She caged me in with her arms. "You're nearly fucking due to have our son, and you get up and fucking leave? Huh? You think that it's funny?" She came closer to me. "It's not funny at all, Florence. You can't leave and walk at night, alone, pregnant, on a Friday night. Right? Are you listening to me?"

I nodded softly.

"You not only pissed me off, you made me fucking worry, Flo. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack looking for you for what felt like hours. Looking for you, and for our son, you like making me feel like that do you?"

I shook my head.

"That's what I thought." Rhea said. "So next time, fucking think about it before you just fuck off and leave."

I tilted my head. "You lied to me though."

"Just to get you back here and to sleep." Rhea replied. "You're tired and you need rest."

"I need-"

Rhea cut me off. "I know what you need, but-"

I cut her off. "Do you think I'm not attractive like this?" I put my hands on my stomach. Rheas eyebrows creased. "I know that this is different, and it's not going to be easy easy. Even afterwards, I'm going to be different and have loose skin and stretch marks and-"

"Florence." Rhea cut me off. "You're fucking beautiful." She admired her way down my face and my body. "You're glowing. Your skin is beautiful. Your hair has never been so pretty." She kissed me on the nose gently. "Your body is so sexy to me, Flo. The fact that you're carrying my child is so sexy. You're doing this for me and I'm so thankful. It's so hot, Flo. It really, really is. This aura you have now, it's fucking angelic. It's fucking amazing. Perfect." She lent in to kiss my cheek, her face dropping to look down my body. "Your tits are so full and so pretty like this, Flo. I can't even imagine how sexy you'd feel if I licked straight through you... how'd you taste, baby."

I breathed out. "Then taste me..." Rhea actually looked like she was going to, but she pulled back. "Why..."

"Because I'm not hurting you." She admitted. "I can be gentle, I know I can, but, you're so far into the pregnancy now. I'm worried anything I do that could be too- I could do something wrong." Her voice weakened.

"Hey." I grabbed her cheeks softly. "You're not going to do something wrong." I assured her. "I know you'd be so gentle. So soft. I know you would. I trust you. You know what you're doing." I assured her the best that I could.

Rhea studied my face, taking in and really thinking about what I just said.

"Don't be scared." I added.

Rheas face softened and she stood up. "Let me think about it, Flo." Then she came back to hover over me. "But I wasn't kidding when I said I had something for you in the morning. Since you're so... hungry." She smirked and and kissed my forehead. "Let's get to sleep."

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